Participation activities in international network
Project application No. 10-039-P-0001-51
Project name: Participation activities in international network
Project execution period: from 01/01/2024 to 03/01/2026
Project leader: Julius Burkauskas, PhD
Project manager: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Funding institution: Research Council of Lithuania
Total value of the project: EUR 41,715.00

Summary: LSMU membership will enable cooperation with other countries, allowing for the sharing of best practices and latest methodologies, and the exchange of knowledge to help strengthen scientific potential for future projects. LSMU’s membership in ICOCS will undoubtedly help shape future scientific research, create the latest methodologies and recommendations, and participate in the most advanced international projects. LSMU aims to make a significant contribution to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum and related disorders research area while taking advantage of the collaborative opportunities and resources provided by ICOCS. Active involvement in ICOCS activities, including securing a position on the ICOCS Board of Directors, will further strengthen LSMU’s role in shaping research opportunities on an international scale, such as Horizon projects. It is also important to note that LSMU, in cooperation with ICOCS, is already participating in the project “Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalizing, Post-Pandemic Europe, BootStRaP ” of the research and innovation program “Horizon Europe”.
Desired Outcome: Ensure active participation and representation on the ICOCS Board of Directors. To promote collaborative research between LSMU and ICOCS members. To strengthen the professional development of LSMU researchers. To increase the international visibility of LSMU in the field of mental health research. Secure research funding and grants to support research into OCD and related obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and their treatment. Expand and strengthen the international networks of the OCD research community.

The project is financed with the funds of the Economic Recovery and Resilience Facility under the “New Generation Lithuania” plan and with the funds of the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.