Neuroscience Institute
Neuroscience Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences was established in 2011 after reorganization of the Institute for Biomedical Research of Kaunas University of Medicine, which originated in 1957 when the Laboratory of Encephalography was established.
Since 2018, the Behavioral Medicine Institute and Neuroscience Institute were merged, reserving the institution title – Neuroscience Institute.
Scientists working at the Institute are involved in basic, applied, and clinical research in various areas of neuroscience and behavioral medicine.
Currently the Institute performs research programme “Research of nervous system for improvement of prognostic and therapeutic strategies”.
Since 2016, in collaboration with Departement of Neurosurgery of LUHS Hospital, within assigned competencies, Neuroscience Institute collaborates in the European reference network for rare adult cancers (solid tumours), subgroup Brain tumours (EURACAN).
There are nine Departments (Research Laboratories) at the Neuroscience Institute, namely Laboratory of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Bioinformatics, Neurophysiology, Molecular Neurooncology, Molecular Neurobiology, Toxicology, Ophthalmology, Behavioral Medicine, and Laboratory for Research of Pharmacological Regulation of Pathological Processes and Drug Metabolism. The Institute has a hospital Palangos Klinika where rehabilitation programmes for patients with cardiovascular diseases (after myocardial infarction, cardio surgery, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, after implantation of pacemaker, etc.) and treatment/rehabilitation of patients with stress related disorders (depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, chronic pain, fatigue and sleep disorders) are provided.
The Institute has about 160 employees, among them there are 58 scientists and 15 research personnel (6 PhD students).
- 2025 – The project “Determining the Role of NSC-Derived EVs in Glioblastoma Progression and Resistance to CIK Cell Immunotherapy”, head dr. G. Steponaitis. The project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. The project is being carried out in collaboration with the University Hospital Bonn, Department of Integrated Oncology (prof. A. Sharma). Agreement no. 2025/2
- 2023-2026 – a project No P-MIP-23-376 “Molecular response of neural stem cells to the extracellular vesicles secreted by cells of different brain pathologies”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. G.Steponaitis.
- 2023 – The project “Analysis of RNA m6A Methylation in Glioblastomas Using a Cytokine-Induced Killer (CIK) Cell Immunotherapy Approach”, head dr. G. Steponaitis. This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. Project implementation in cooperation with University Hospital Bonn. Agreement no. 2023/13
- 2022-2024 – collaboration in a project “Studies of the variability of biologically active and anticancer compounds in organically and biodynamically grown and fermented fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub) leaves”, funded by Ekhagastiftelsen Foundation Grant Program (Sweden), prof. S.Trumbeckaitė
- 2022-2022 – EC programme Horizon 2020 funded project ID 650003 “EU FET Flagship Human Brain Project” “Prediction of Neurosurgery Outcome in Parkinson’s Disease“, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2021-2025 – EU funded COST Action project CA20122 “Harmonizing clinical care and research on adrenal tumours in European countries”, Rytis Stakaitis
- 2021–2024 – contribute (dr. R.Bernotienė) in a project No S-MIP-21-25 “Influence of environmental factors and genotype on plant exosome characteristics and potential application in cosmetics and pharmacy”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Viršilė (LAMMC)
- 2021-2023 – collaboration (prof. D.Majienė, D.Umbrasas) in a project No 01.2.2-LMT-K718-05-0039 “Management of target metabolites of industrial hemp for the development of COVID-19 symptom relief products – TerpenCoTech”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. V.Tilvikienė (LAMMC)
- 2021-2023 – collaboration (dr. A.Bunevičius) in a project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0085 “Digital phenotyping for monitoring of cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. T.Krilavičius (VDU)
- 2021-2023 – collaboration (Z.Balion) in a project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0052, cTECH, “Technology for the management of COVID-19-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of cardiovascular system”, head prof. E.Stankevičius
- 2021 – collaboration (prof. D.Majienė) in a project No S21064 “Application of Propolis Biologically Active Compounds in Formulation of Modified Eye Drops and their Biopharmaceutical Evaluation in vitro”, funded through Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania under 2020-2022 program “Applied research programs for beekeeping and apiculture products” BITE-KK-21-1-00783-PR001 to support the Lithuanian beekeeping sector, head prof. K.Ramanauskienė
- 2021 – a project No S-DNR-20-5 “Monitoring of psychological health and neuropsychological indicators in COVID-19 patients”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Pranckevičienė
- 2021 – a project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-25-0080 “The study of glioma stemness signature and glioblastoma patients’ outcome, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. G.Steponaitis
- 2021 – a project No 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0033 “Inhibition of NRP1 gene expression in glioblastoma U87 cells by using short hairpin RNA (shRNA) technology”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Kazlauskas
- 2021 – a project No 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0065 “Genetic markers search in patients with pituitary adenoma”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. LKriaučiūnienė
- 2021 – a project No 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0075 “Changes in the expression of miR7, miR153 and miR214 in the serum exosomes of Parkinson’s patients”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. P.Vaitkienė
- 2021 – a project 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Characterisation of essential tremor patients’ cognitive and emotional difficulties”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Pranckevičienė
- 2020-2023 – EU programme Horizon 2020 FLAG-ERA Human Brain Project “Multiscale Modelling of Impaired Learning in Alzheimer’s Disease and Innovative Treatments – MILEDI”, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2020-2023 – collaboration in a project No 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-02-0037 “Development of an innovative dietary supplements to prevent senile weakness syndrome and malnutrition in elderly people”, managed by Lithuanian Business Support Agency, head prof. R.Benetis
- 2020-2022 – a post doc (dr. Julius Burkauskas) project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0127 “Cognitive function, endocrine, environmental factors and sleep apnea impact on quality of life and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. habil.dr. G.Varoneckas. The report is available here.
- 2020-2022 – a post doc (dr. Giedrius Steponaitis) project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0131 “Development of a Molecular Classifier for Identification of GBM Subtype Based on Tumor and Cancer Stem Cells mRNA Profile”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. habil.dr. A.Tamašauskas
- 2020-2022 – a project No S-MIP-20-51 “Epitranscriptomic changes in long non-coding RNA associated with brain cell differentiation and pathogenesis – EPIC”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. P.Vaitkienė
- 2020-2022 – a project No S-SEN-20-7 „Long non-coding RNA epitranscriptome profiling in glioma stem cells (GSCs) and tumors for identification of novel biomarkers – LEADING”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the National Research Program „Healthy Aging”, head dr. D.Skiriutė
- 2020-2021 – collaboration (dr. A.Saudargienė) in EC program Horizon 2020 project ID 650003 „EU FET Flagship Human Brain Project“ partnering project „Modeling Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampal Trisynaptic Circuit: Integration to the Brain Simulation Platform – HippoTrisynPlasticity“, head prof. P.Jedlicka (Giessen University, Germany)
- 2020-2021 – a project “LSMU Neuroscience Psychophysiological Research Center” funded by Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania “Future Economics DNA Plan”, head dr. V.Steiblienė
- 2020-2021 – a project No S-GEV-20-5 „Determinants of quality of life in Lithuanian students: problematic usage of the Internet and neuropsychological profile – NEUROPIN“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the National Research Program „Welfare society”, head dr. J.Burkauskas
- 2020-2021 – a project No S-SEN-20-15 „Development of neurosurgical treatment options for Parkinson`s disease applying molecular markers, gamma knife technology and individualized dosimetry – PANORAMA“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the National Research Program „Healthy Aging”, head prof. V.P.Deltuva
- 2020-2021 – a project No S-SEN-20-13 „The relation of the insulin resistance on thyroid function, psychoemotional state and cardiovascular risk factors during the aging”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania under the National Research Program „Welfare society”, head dr. N.Mickuvienė
- 2020-2021 – a project No S-LU-20-2 „Identification of metastasis-associated genes and ways of their regulation in patients with malignant brain tumors” in the Lithuanian–Ukraine Partnership Programme for Bilateral Cooperation in the Fields of Research and Technologies, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. P.Vaitkienė
- 2020-2021 – a proeject “Internship at the University of Bern (Switzerland) to improve scientific training and strengthen international cooperation”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2020-2021 – a project No S-193 “Monitoring of hazardous chemicals in human biological media (Biomonitoring)”, funded by Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, head dr. R.Naginienė
- 2020 – a project „Search for novel molecular biomarkers of pituitary adenoma”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. R.Liutkevičienė
- 2020 – collaboration (dr. A.Bunevičius) in a project No P-COV-20-50 “COVID-19 distress thermometer”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. I.Bunevičienė (VDU)
- 2020 – collaboration (prof. D.Majienė) in a LSMU-KTU Research and Innovation Fund project No PP54/202 “Biorefining of Hops into Functional Materials and their Applications for the Development of Innovative Pharmaceutical Preparations – BioHops”, head dr. V.Kitrytė (KTU)
- 2019-2020 – a Partnering Project “Multiscale Hippocampal Models for Neuronal Plasticity: Integration to the Brain Simulation Platform – HippoPlasticity” to the EU programme Horizon 2020 Human Brain Project, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2019-2022 – a project No S-MIP-19-52 “‘The role of neuronal networks in the superior colliculus in rapid recognition of complex images”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. G.Baranauskas
- 2019 – collaboration (prof. D.Majienė) in a project “Investigation of propolis biological activity in cell culture models and modelation of innovative pharmaceutical formulations”, funded through Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania under 2017-2019 program “Applied research programs for beekeeping and apiculture products” BITE-KK-19-1-00676-PR001 to support the Lithuanian beekeeping sector, head prof. K.Ramanauskienė
- 2019 – a project “Scientific visit at the Center for Memory and Brain, Boston University, US”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2019 – a project “Investigation of promoter methylation of metallothioneine genes MT1A, MT1E, MT1G, and MT1M in gliomas”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. D.Skiriutė
- 2019 – a project “Generation of stable U87 cell line coding inducible Sema3F expression system”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head I.Valiulytė
- 2019 – a project “Construction of a bicistronic vector for immortalization of human vascular endothelial cells”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Kazlauskas
- 2019 – a project „Molecular markers of the bottom of the mouth“, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head A.Vilkevičiūtė
- 2018-2022 – EU funded COST Action project CA17121 COMULIS “Correlated Multimodal Imaging In Life Sciences”, prof. A.Kriščiukaitis
- 2018-2022 – collaboration (prof. A.Kriščiukaitis) in the ESF funded project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0030 „Personalized wearable technologies for evaluating life-threatening health conditions in chronic kidney disease patients”, head prof. V.Marozas (KTU)
- 2018-2022 – a project No BN18-31 “Development of intelligent implantable medical devices with diagnostic and therapeutic functionality”, managed by Lithuanian Business Support Agency, head prof. A.Tamašauskas
- 2018-2021 – collaboration (prof. V.Borutaitė) in a project “Center for Computational, Structural and Systems Biology – CossyBio”, head dr. R.Abraitis (VU)
- 2018-2021 – a project No PRM18-162 “Assessment of heavy metals and their effects on the health in Kaunas city adulthood population”, funded by Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, head dr. R.Naginienė
- 2018-2020 – contribute (A.Vilkevičiūtė) in the project No J05-LVPA-K-03-0042 ,,The invention of a new methodology and genetic testing kit for early depression and bipolar disorder diagnosis and medication treatment“, managed by Lithuanian Business Promotion Agency, head prof. V.Adomaitienė
- 2018-2020 – contribute (prof. S.Trumbeckaitė, dr. J.Liobikas) in the project No J05-LVPA-K-03-0117„Promotion of UAB AKVAVITA Investment in R&D Activities for the Development of Innovative Products in the Beverage Industry“, managed by Lithuanian Business Promotion Agency, head prof. V.Jakštas
- 2018-2020 – contribute (prof. R.Banienė, dr. A.Jekabsone) in the project No J05-LVPA-K-01-0220 „Promotion of UAB “Birštono mineraliniai vandenys” Investment in R&D Activities for the Development of Innovative Products“, managed by Lithuanian Business Promotion Agency, head prof. V.Jakštas
- 2018-2020 – Lithuania–Japan collaboration program project No LJB-18-2 “Investigation of molecular factors of Alzheimer’s disease: link between extracellular tau, beta-amyloid and neuroinflammation”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. R.Morkūnienė, participants prof. V. Borutaitė, K.Pampuščenko
- 2018-2020 – collaboration (prof. S.Trumbeckaitė, prof. R.Banienė) in the project No BN 18-255 “Effect of Farming Systems on the Accumulation of Biologically Active and Anticancer Compounds of potato tubers with Coloured Flesh”, funded by Ekhagastiftelsen Foundation Grant Program (Sweden), head prof. E.Jarienė (ASU)
- 2018-2019 – a project “Mobile internet application for mindfulness based cognitive behavioural therapy” funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Saudargienė
- 2018 – a project No No PR18-108 “Training mental health profossionals” funded by State Mental Health Centre, head dr. V.Steiblienė
- 2018 – a project “NRP1 gene expression in different grade gliomas”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head I.Valiulytė
- 2018 – a project “Long-non coding RNA HOTAIR and CASC2 gene expression in glioblastomas”, funded through the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. D.Skiriutė
- 2018 –
the Baltic-German University Liaison Office project “Synaptic and dendritic dysfunction in Alzheimer‘s disease: computational and experimental neuroscience perspectives to understand the dynamics of neurodegenerative processes”, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. The aim of the project is to investigate complex interactions of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron deficient cholinergic neuromodulation, synaptic dysfunction and dendritic atrophy due to beta-amyloid peptides accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease applying computational modelling approach. Project leader dr. A.Saudargienė.
- 2018 – LSMU-VDU funded project “Genetic predisposition to alcohol addiction and associated personality traits GVPRAVSAB”, head dr. R.Jokubka
- 2017-2022 – contribute (dr. L.Strumylaitė) in the EC programme Horizon 2020 funded project No 733032 HBM4EU (The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative)
- 2017-2022 – a project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0036 EXOTARGET „Exosome application for targeted drug delivery“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2017-2022 – EU funded COST Action project CA16225 “Realising the therapeutic potential of novel cardioprotective therapies” (EU-CARDIOPROTECTION), prof. V.Borutaitė, dr. O.Arandarčikaitė
- 2017-2022 – EU funded COST Action project CA16207 “Problematic Internet Use”, managament committee members dr. A.Bunevičius, dr. J.Burkauskas
- 2017-2021 – Global grant project No LMT-K-712-01-0131 “Dissecting ischemic brain injury: role of mitochondrial permeability transition pore in cells of developing and aging brain”, head prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2017-2020 – a project No S-MIP-17-108 “The prognostic value of miRNA classifier as a novel tool for prediction of glioma patient outcome and response to therapy”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. P. Vaitkienė
- 2017-2020 – EU funded COST Action project CA16122 “Biomaterials and advanced physical techniques for regenerative cardiolgy and neurology”, dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2017-2020 – collaboration (V.Liaugaudaitė, A.Juškienė) in the project No S-MIP-17-257 “Psychosocial suicide risk factors and accessibility of help in the environment of persons’ who committed suicide”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. N.Žemaitienė
- 2017-2019 – collaboration (dr. A.Jekabsone) in the the EC programme Horizon 2020 M-Era.Net project No S-M-ERA.NET-17-2 „Engineering and functionalization of delivery system with Pelargonium sidoides biologically active substance on inflamed periodontal surface area – PELARGODONT”, coordinator prof. N.Savickienė
- Main projects of Behavioral Medicine Institute, 2010-2016
- 2016-2022 – EU funded COST Action project MITOEAGLE “Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution – Age – Gender – Lifestyle – Environment”, Lithuania deputy prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2016-2018 – contribute (dr. A.Saudargienė) in the EC programme Horizon 2020 funded project ID 650003 “EU FET Flagship Human Brain Project”
- 2016-2017 – collaboration (dr. R.Liutkevičienė) in the LSMU-KTU project “Elaboration and employment of virtual reality stimuli to investigate peripheral vestibular function (VIRVEST)”, head prof. I.Ulozienė
- 2016 – a project No PR16-82 “Imaging of live tissue/models’ mimetics”, supported by UAB Ferentis, dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2015-2018 – collaboration (dr. S.Trumbeckaitė) in the project No SEN-01/2015 „Optimizing the effectiveness of Hyperthermic chemotherapy by modulation of heat shock proteins, energy resources and adhesion in malignant cells“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. A.Gulbinas
- 2015-2018 – collaboration (dr. A.Kazlauskas) in the project No SEN-07/2015 „Novel systems of prodrug activation for the cancer gene therapies“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. J.Urbonavičius (VU)
- 2015-2018 – a project No SEN-11/2015 “New genetic and metabolic biomarkers search in healthy subjects and patients with age-related macular degeneration”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. V.P.Deltuva
- 2015-2018 – a project No MIP‐44/2015 BRAINflame “Psychological distress, inflammatory factors, brain natriuretic peptide and outcomes of patients with brain tumor”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Bunevičius
- 2015-2018 – a project No MIP-52/2015 GlioProSer “Quantitative serum profiles estimation of proteins related to glioma angiogenesis and invasiveness”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. D.Skiriutė
- 2015-2018 – collaboration (prof. A.Kriščiukaitis) in the project No MIP-15045 “The Impact of focused trasthoracic echocardiography in urgent abdominal surgery for septic patients”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. A.Macas
- 2015-2016 – collaboration in the Lithuanian-Japan project “Analysis of biomarkers in human blood, discovered by research using S.pombe“, head dr. R.Liutkevičienė
- 2015-2016 – collaboration in the EU Horizon 2020 project No 664339 HEALTH-TECH “Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing”, prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2015 – UAB Ferentis project “In vitro investigation of interaction of cells with customer’s prototypic hydrogel samples”, managed by Lithuanian Business Promotion Agency, head dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2014-2016 – contribute (dr. R.Liutkevičienė) in the project No MIP-008/2014 “New molecular prognostic markers search in pituitary adenomas and associations with visual functions”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. D.Žaliūnienė
- 2014-2015 – “Identification and characterization of novel biomarkers for human glial tumors”, in the Lithuanian–Ukraine Partnership Programme for Bilateral Cooperation in the Fields of Research and Technologies, funded by Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. P.Vaitkienė
- 2014-2015 – collaboration (dr. R.Liutkevičienė) in the LSMU-KTU project “Elaboration of innovative device to investigate peripheral vestibular function”, head prof. I.Ulozienė
- 2013-2015 – EU funded COST Action project FA 1005 INFOGEST “Improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process”, members of Executive committee dr. J.Liobikas, dr. S.Trumbeckaitė
- 2013-2015 – post doc (dr. Asta Kybartaitė-Žilienė) project BioMONDA “Multimodal data analysis of optic nerve and it’s environment based on biophysical models”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. A.Kriščiukaitis
- 2013-2015 – collaboration (prof. A.Kriščiukaitis) in the ESF funded project No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-10-V-02-004 “Smart wearable monitoring system for human healthcare”, head prof. A.Lukoševičius (KTU)
- 2012-2019 – collaboration (dr. A.Bunevičius) in a project BioASQ “A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering”, funded by EC 7FP (Grant Agreement No 318652, 2012-2014), National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health (award No R13LM012214, 2014-2018), and Google Funding (2018-2019), head dr. G.Paliouras (NCSR Demokritos, Greece)
- 2012-2016 – EC 7FP project No 318652 OpenScienceLink: Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data, Lithuania deputy dr. A Bunevičius
- 2012-2015 – contribute (dr. D.Skiriutė, dr. R.Naginienė) in the Global grant project* No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 „Gene-Environment Interactions Connecting Low Triiodothyronine Syndrome and Outcomes of Cardiovascular Disease (GET-VASC)”, head habil.dr. R.Bunevičius
- 2012-2015 – Global grant project* VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-059 „Investigation of sensory information processing and attention mechanisms by employing genetic modification of neuronal act”, head dr. T.Tkatch
- 2012-2015 – contribute (dr. S.Trumbeckaitė) in the Global grant project* No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-062 “Energetic, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer”, head prof. Ž.Dambrauskas
- 2012-2014 – a project No MIP-045/2012 „Nicotinic modulation of neuronal column activity”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head habil.dr. A Kuras
- 2012-2014 – a project No LIG-12003 “Gene expression and function-based identification of biomarkers for diagnosis of glioma malignancies”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. A.Kazlauskas
- 2012-2014 – a project No LIG-04/2012 MALPAMA “Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease” (in collaboration with Institute of Biochemistry, and Institute of Biotechnology of Vilnius University, Department of Neurology of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital), funded by Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. R.Morkūnienė
- 2012-2014 – ESF project No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-022 „Implementation of R&D activities of Medicine National Research Programmes in clinical and molecular research of fundamental cardiology, neurosciences, and digestive systems“, dr. G.Svirskis, prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2012-2014 – contribute (dr. S.Trumbeckaitė) in the project No LIG-12002 STELLATA „Investigation of activity and redox status of Pancreatic Stellate Cells”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. G.Barauskas
- 2011-2015 – Global grant project* No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-130 “Mitochondria, nitric oxide and cytochrome c reducing agents in protection against brain and heart ischemia-reperfusion injury”, head prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2011-2014 – a project No SVE-11008 HIBRIDAI „Interspecific hybrids of orchard plant – a novel source of anthocyanins“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. J.Liobikas
- 2011-2012 – a project No MIP-11298 “Interactions between tectal neuronal responses evoked by two visual stimuli”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. G.Svirskis
- 2011-2012 – joint LSMU and Institute of Public Health and Environment (Bilthoven, The Netherlands) project “Are supplements good for healthy ageing?”, head habil.dr. L.Ivanov
- 2010-2011 – a project “Low T3 syndrome impact on the outcomes after the brain tumour surgery”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head dr. V.P.Deltuva
- 2010-2011 – a project „Investigation of synaptic co-transmission in frog retinotectal synapses“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head habil.dr. A.Kuras
- 2010-2011 – a project „The investigation for new combinations of clinical and epigenetic markers in diagnosis and prognosis“, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. A.Tamašauskas
- 2010-2011 – collaboration in the project „Multivariate analysis based non invasive evaluation of central haemodynamics and prognosis of patient status” No MIP-68/2010, funded by Research Council of Lithuania, head prof. A.Kriščiukaitis
- 2010-2011 – a project No MIP-10182 “The evaluation of biological activity and technological functionalization of lectins”, dr. J.Liobikas, dr. D.Majienė
- 2009 – a project No T-64/09 “The assessment of the relationship between cadmium and the risk of breast cancer”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head dr. L.Strumylaitė
- 2008-2010 – a project AMILOIDE “Detection of pathogenic beta-amyloid oligomers for diagnostics of Alzheimer’s disease”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2008 – a project “Implication of bistability of frog recurrent tectal neurons in the activation of NMDA receptors”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head habil.dr. A.Kuras
- 2007-2011 – EU funded COST Action project FA0602 MITOFOOD “A research community for nutritional optimization of mitochondrial function for health promotion and disease resistance”, Lithuania deputy prof. V.Borutaitė
- 2007-2009 – post doc ( dr. D.Skiriutė) project “Research on molecular markers of recurrence in benign and malignant meningiomas”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head prof. A.Tamašauskas
- 2007-2009 – EC 6FP project SSPE-CT-2007-044159 PRONET (Pollution Reduction Options Network), Lithuania deputy dr. R.Naginienė
- 2007 – a project “Investigation of dendritic currents elicited in frog tectum neurons by individual retinotectal input”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head habil.dr. A.Kuras
- 2006-2011– EC 6FP project FOOD-CT-2006-016253 PHIME (Public Health Impact of Long-term, Low-level Mixed Element Exposure in Susceptible Population Strata), Lithuania deputy dr. R.Naginienė
- 2006-2009 – EUREKA project E! 3694 PROPOCREAM „The development of the multifunctional semisolid preparations from natural products“, dr. D.Majienė
- 2006-2008 – ESF project No ESF/2004/2.5.0-03-385/BPD-210/ES2006-01 “Implementation of advanced studies for medical physics technologies and nanophotonics”, dr. K.Skauminas
- 2006-2008 – ESF project No BPD2004-ERPF-1.5.0-12-05/0035 “Centre for science and studies of medical physics technologies and nanophotonics”, dr. K.Skauminas
- 2006-2007 – EC 6FP Marie Skłodowska-Curie project No MERG-CT-2006-044907 MITOCHONDRIA & ABETA (Mitochondria and beta-amyloid in brain ischemia/reperfusion), dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2006 – a project “Intraoperative fluorescentic imaging of brain tumour gliomas”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation
- 2005-2008 – ESF project No BPD2004-ESF-2.5.0-01-04/0046 “The development of master’s, residency and PhD study programs in Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Genetics for students of Medicine and Pharmacy”, habil.dr. L.Ivanov
- 2005-2007 – Implementation of the EU Council Directive 77/312EEB on Biological Screening of the Population for Lead, dr. R.Naginienė
- 2005 – a project “Investigation of influence of frog moving-edge detector on tectal neuron network”, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head habil.dr. A.Kuras
- 2004-2007 – EC 5FP project No 2004127 EMFnEAR (Exposure at UMTS electromagnetic fields: study on potential adverse effects on hearing), Lithuania deputy prof. I.Ulozienė
- 2004-2006 – EC 6FP Marie Skłodowska-Curie project No CT-2004-010313 MITOCHONDRIA (Role of nitric oxide/oxygen competition at mitochondria in neuronal death during ischemia and/or inflammation), dr. A.Jekabsone
- 2004 – a project „NMDA receptor activation in frog tectum neurons“, funded by Lithuania State Science and Studies Foundation, head habil.dr. A.Kuras
- 2003-2005 – EC 5FP project QLK4-2002-02395 PINCHE (Policy Interpretation Network on Children’s Health and Environment), Lithuania deputy dr. R.Naginienė
- 2001-2004 – EC 5FP project QLRT-2001-00150 GUARD (Potential adverse effect of GSM cellular phone on hearing), Lithuania deputy prof. I.Ulozienė
EBRAINS Lithuania successfully participates in Horizon 2020 and European Horizon projects together with EBRAINS scientists, present research results in publications, presentations at conferences, organize joint scientific and educational events, participate in exchange programs for scientists and students, train undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students in EBRAINS research topics.
Joint scientific projects of LSMU and the EBRAINS/Human Brain Project:
- „Implementing digital services to empower neuroscience research for health and brain inspired technology via EBRAINS“. HORIZON-INFRA-2022-SERV-B-01 (Research infrastructure services to support health research and accelerate the digital transformation (2023)). Topic: HORIZON-INFRA-2022-SERV-B-01-01 Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA (HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions). 2024-2026.
- “Personalized Virtual Brain Model for Parkinson’s Disease Patients”, Lithuanian-French programme “Gilibert”, 2025-2026.
- “Prediction of neurosurgical treatment outcomes in Parkinson‘s disease”. EBRAINS Research Infrastructure Voucher Programme Call 2020. 2022-2023.
- “Multiscale Modelling of Impaired Learning in Alzheimer’s Disease and Innovative Treatments”. FLAG-ERA, the Flagship ERA-NET Joint Transnational Call JTC 2019 in synergy with the Human Brain Project. No. S-FLAG-ERA-20-1. 2020-2023.
- Multiscale Hippocampal Models for Neuronal Plasticity: Integration to the Brain Simulation Platform – HippoPlasticity, EU programme Horizon 2020 Human Brain Project Partnering Project. 2019-2020.
- Network models including neuron-glia interactions. Project name: EU FET Flagship Human Brain Project. Project ID: 650003. Call: H2020-FETFLAG-2014. Programme:H2020. SP4 Theoretical Neuroscience, Work package P4.2 Generic Models of Brain Circuits. 2019.
Scientific and educational events organized by LSMU in collaboration with EBRAINS/Human Brain Project:
- 10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School „From Neurons to The Virtual Brain, Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence“, Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki, 28-31 May 2024. https://www.ebrains.eu/news-and-events/10th-ebrains-baltic-nordic-summer-school-on-neuroscience-from-neurons-to-the-virtual-brain-consciousness-and-artificial-intelligence-2
- „Artificial Intelligence in Medicine“, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, 23 Nobember https://lsmu.lt/wp-content/uploads/Dirbtinis-intelektas-medicinoje-programa.pdf
- EBRAINS Brain Simulation School 2022 “Training on Single Neuron Models, Brain Circuit Models, Cognition, Collaboratory, Synaptic Plasticity and Learning”, Palermo, Italy, May 29 – 4 June 2022. https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/participatecollaborate/infrastructure-events-training/brainsim/
- Human Brain Project/EBRAINS Symposium “From Cortical Neurocircuits to Consciousness”, Paris, France, 11-13 April 2022. https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/participatecollaborate/infrastructure-events-training/corticon/
- Human Brain Project/EBRAINS Young Investigator Event „EBRAINS for Medicine“, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania (virtual) 26-27 May 2021. https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/YRE21/
- Human Brain Project/ EBRAINS 8th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics BNNI 2021 „Learning in the Brain and NeuroRobots – from Molecules to Behaviour with the EBRAINS Training on the Brain Function, Dysfunction and Neurorobotic Systems”, Stockholm, Sweden (virtual), October 21-25 2021. https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/BNNI2021/
More about projects here.
- David Hansel (Cerebral Dynamics, Memory and Learning Laboratory, Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center; UMR8002 CNRS, Paris, France) at the Neuroscience Institute on 4 March 2022 gave a lecture “The balance hypothesis: from physics to brain functions“.
- Neuroscience Institute was a coorganiser of the 9th International Conference “BIOIMAGING 2022“, that took place on 7-9 February 2022 (virtual). More information is available here.
- The XIII International Conference of Lithuanian Neuroscience Association “Consciousness”, organised by Neuroscience Institute, in collaboration with Lithuanian Neuroscience Association (LNA), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Vytautas Magnus University. The conference took place at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, on 26 November 2021 (virtual). More information is available here.
- Neuroscience Institute was a coorganiser of the 8th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics BNNI 2021 “Learning in the Brain and NeuroRobots – from Molecules to Behaviour with the EBRAINS Training on the Brain Function, Dysfunction and Neurorobotic Systems”, that took place on 21-25 October in Stockholm, Sweden (virtual). More information is available here and here.
- Neuroscience Institute with partners coorganised “International Training school on Problematic Usage of the Internet in a changing society“, that took place on 6-8 October 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal (virtual). More information is available hereand here.
- Neuroscience Institute was a coorganiser of the Human Brain Project Young Investigator Event „EBRAINS for Medicine“, that took place on 26-27 May 2021 (virtual). More information is available here and here.
- The XI International Conference of the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association Behavioural Medicine and Neuroplasticity,and satelite workshop “tec’s Brain-Computer Interface Workshop for Control, Assessment and Rehabilitation” organised by Vytautas Magnus University, in collaboration with Neuroscience Institute, Lithuanian Neuroscience Association (LNA), and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The conference took place at the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, on 29 November 2019. The satelite workshop was held in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences on 28 November 2019. More information is available here.
- Neuroscience Institute (dr. A.Saudargienė) was a coorganise of the 7th Baltic-Nordic School on NeuroinformaticsBNNI 2019 “Modeling Healthy and Diseased Brain: From Dendrites to Neurons and Networks“, that took place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on 26-28 August 2019. The program is available here.
- Ozgul Gok (Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, Istanbul, Turkey) at the Neuroscience Institute gave a series of lectures and practical trainings on “Biocompatible and responsive smart hydrogel systems and their applications in tissue engineering”:
- 22 May 2019 – lecture “Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels” and practical training “UV-curable hydrogel synthesis: GelMA + photoinitiator“.
- 23 May 2019 – lecture”Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering” and practical training “Cell culture of prepared hydrogels: Part I”.
- 24 May 2019 – practical training “Cell culture of prepared hydrogels: Part II”.
- Professor Boris Khalfin from Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) at the Neuroscience Institute gave lectures:
- 7 May 2019 – 1) “The introduction: Controlled cell death processes“. 2) “Cellular Necrosis and necrosis-associated diseases”.
- 8 May 2019 – “Apoptosis in cancer and immunity”.
- 9 May 2019 – “Autophagy: The dual role of proteases in regulation of autophagic cell death”.
- An international XVIII conference “Trends in Neurosciences: Emerging Behavioral Addictions” took place on 3 May 2019 at Palanga Clinic of Neuroscience Institute. The organizers: Neurosciene Institute LUHS and Lithuanian Society of Biological Psychiatry. The program is available here.
- Professor Andis Klegeris(Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, Department of Biology, University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, Canada) gave lectures:
- 8 April 2019 – „Regulation of neuroimmune functions of glial cells by endogenous molecules and synthetic compounds“.
- 9 April 2019 – „Generic problem-solving skills of University students: Assessment tools and strategies for development“.
- A workshop „The Human Brain Project”took place on 26 February 2019 at the Neuroscience Institute (LUHS). Representatives from the Project gave lectures:
- “Possibilities and challenges when building subcellular models of receptor induced cascades”–
prof. Jeanette Hellgren-Kotaleski (Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; The Human Brain Project, Brain Simulation SubProject, Deputy Leader). - “The Brain Simulation Platform of the Human Brain Project” – prof. Michele Migliore (Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council, Palermo, Italy; The Human Brain Project, Brain Simulation SubProject, Deputy Leader).
- An International Conference “Current Trends and Future Directions in Psychiatry” was organized by the Neuroscience Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS), Psychiatry Clinic at LUHS, and Lithuanian Society of Biological Psychiatry (LSBP). Our partners – Young Psychiatrist Association (YPA). Date: February 8, 2019. The program is available
- Scientific workshop“Understanding dynamics of neurodegenerative diseases: integrating computational and experimental neuroscience” was held on 20 September 2018 at the Neurosience Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas, Eivenių str. 4. The program is available
- Scientific workshop“Neuroinformatics for Medical Research” was held on 2 July 2018 at the Neurosience Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Palanga, Vydūno str. 4. The program is available here.
- Professor Taisuke Tomita(Laboratory of Neuropatholgy and Neuroscience, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan) presented the lecture „Understanding the molecular/cellular pathology and emerging strategies against Alzheimer disease”. The lecture took place on 15 June 2018 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, audience A-205, Sukilėlių pr. 13, Kaunas.
- Coorganise of The 6th Baltic‐Nordic School on NeuroinformaticsBNNI2018: Understanding the Brain: from Neuroscience to Deep Learning. The school took place on 11-13 June 2018 at the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Latvia.
- A group of scientists from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU, Israel) visited the Neuroscience Institute and on 4-5 June 2018 presented the lectures:
- “Physiological role and mode of regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+signaling and metabolism interrogated by imaging and optometabolic control” –prof. Israel Sekler, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, BGU.
- “Sodium fluxes and excitability of thin neuronal processes” – assoc. prof. Ilya Fleidervish, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, BGU.
- “Minimally invasive neurosurgery. The keyhole concept” – Israel Melamed, neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, Soroka Medical Centre, BGU.
- The IX International Conference of Lithuanian Neuroscience Association Neurodiversity: from theory to clinics, organised by Neuroscience Institute, in collaboration with Lithuanian Neuroscience Association (LNA), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Vytautas Magnus University. The conference took place at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, on 1 December 2017. More information and program is available here.
- Representatives from the ENIGMA Consortium(ini.usc.edu) were giving a seminar on 12th October 2017. The seminar was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The programme:
- The ENIGMA Consortium: Mapping Human Brain Diseases with Imaging and Genomics in 50,000 Individuals from 35 Countries– prof. Paul Thompson.
- Imaging Biomarkers of Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury: The Need for Consortium Studies– prof. Emilly Dennis.
- The 5th Baltic‐Nordic School on Neuroinformatics (BNNI2017): Theoretical modeling of brain functions in neurological and psychiatric disorders: Advancing future neuroscience and medicine through Neuroinformatics methods.The School took place on 6-7 October 2017 at the Neurosience Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. More information is available here.
- The 1st Baltic‐Nordic Summer School on Neuroinformatics (BNNI2013): Computations in the Brain and Translational Neuroscience (together with Tampere Technical University (Finland) and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). The Summer School took place on 29-31 May 2013, in Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. More information can be found here.
International Translational Neuroscience Conference, which was held on 16-17 June 2011 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The conference was dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Neurosurgery in Lithuania and establishment (onwards the 1st July 2011) of Neuroscience Institute of Lithuanian University of health Sciences. More information is available here.
- Co-organiser of the Mitochondrial Physiology Society summer school “MiP summer 2010”, which was held on 10-16 June 2010 in Druskininkai, Lithuania. More information is available here.
Dr. Ieva Brooks, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Neuroscience Institute, was granted a two-year scholarship by Marius Jakulis Jason Foundation.
- Dr. Katryna Pampuščenko, researcher at the Laboratory for Research of Pharmacological Regulation of Pathological Processes and Drug Metabolism of Neuroscience Institute, was awareded with Bes poster in Life Sciences Category and special prize from Linea Libera for poster “TLR4 Receptors and Caspase-1 Mediate Extracellular Tau-Induced Neurotoxicity in Neuronal-Glial Co-Cultures”, during XXIIIth LNA conference “Consciousness“, 2021.
- Prof. Vytenis Pranas Deltuva, professor at the Department of Neurosurgery and senior researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Neurooncology of Neuroscience Institute, head of Brain Surgery Unit at the – The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas “Officer’s Cross” for the merits to the Republic of Lithuania and international glorification of the Republic; awarded by the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda on 16 February 2021.
- Dr. Giedrius Steponaitis, researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Neurooncology of Neuroscience Institute, for the project “The tool development for glioblastoma subtyping based on tumour molecular signature” (head prof. A.Tamašauskas) was awarded with the one-year scholarship according to the World Federation of Scientists National Scholarship Programme, 2020.
- Dr. Paulius Čižas, researcher of Laboratory of Biophysics and Bioinformatics of Neuroscience Institute, superviser of Gabija Jurkevičiūtė who got World Intelectual Property Organization award for the research work entitled “Impact of itaconic acid on neurons’ viability”, 2020.
- Prof. Arimantas Tamašauskas, head of the Department of Neurosurgery and director of Neuroscience Institute, – The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas “Knight’s Cross” for the merits to the Republic of Lithuania and international glorification of the Republic; awarded by the President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė on 6 July 2017.
- Dr. Adomas Bunevičius, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Clinical Research, Neuroscience Institute, – BrainLab Neurosurgery Award at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons in Boston, USA on 7-11 October 2017, for a neurosurgeon working outside the USA for the outstanding research on brain tumors.
Dr. Silvija Jankevičiūtė, junior researcher at the Laboratory of Biochemistry, Neuroscience Institute – “Art in Science” award for poster “Sky-blue snowdrop” exhibited in public areas in Lithuanian cities, 2014.
Prof. Vilmantė Borutaitė, head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry, Neuroscience Institute, – Osvalds Šmidebergs Medal of Latvian Society of Pharmacology, 2012.
Prof. Adolfas Toleikis, prof. Vilmantė Borutaitė and prof. Vida Mildažienė, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Neuroscience Institute, – Science Award of Lithuania (2008) for the outstanding research “The mechanisms of response to stress and control of mitochondrial functions”.
Dr. Rima Naginienė, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Toxicology of Neuroscience Institute, – Award of the Romanian Society for Magnesium Research, 2007.
Dr. Rima Naginienė, researcher at the Laboratory of Toxicology, Neuroscience Institute, – Faustus Scientific Award, Austria, 2004.
- NI Biochemijos laboratorijos jaunesnioji mokslo darbuotoja dr. Kristina Škėmienė laimėjo III-ją vietą LSMU Mokslo fondo konkurse “Metų doktorantas 2014”.
- NI Klinikinių tyrimų laboratorijos mokslo darbuotojui dr. Adomui Bunevičiui paskirta Lietuvos mokslo akademijos Jaunojo mokslininko stipendija.
- NI Biochemijos laboratorijos vyresniajai mokslo darbuotojai prof. dr. Sonatai Trumbeckaitei įteiktas Berlin-Chemie prizas laimėjus I -ją vietą už stendinį pranešimą EAU Baltijos šalių konferencijoje, vykusioje 2014 m. gegužės 23-25 d., Vilniuje.
- NI Neuroonkologijos ir genetikos laboratorijos jaunesnioji mokslo darbuotoja dr. Paulina Vaitkienė laimėjo „Thermo Fisher Scientific“ piniginį prizą reagentams įsigyti už mokslinį tiriamąjį darbą, pristatytą tarptautinėje Lietuvos biochemikų draugijos konferencijoje „Biochemijos studijoms Lietuvoje – 50 metų“.
- NI Biochemijos laboratorijos jaunesniosios mokslo darbuotojos, doktorantės Silvijos Jankevičiūtės darbas “Dangiško mėlio snaigė” atrinktas eksponuoti viešose erdvėse VĮ “Mokslas ir menas” organizuotame projekte “Art in Science”.