Studies in Public Health at LSMU Accredited for a Maximum Period

Well-equipped teaching facilities, international cooperation as part of the development of studies in Lifestyle Medicine, and the quality and abundance of scientific publications all testify to the outstanding quality of studies as noted by the international group of experts who assessed the studies in Public Health offered at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU).
The external assessment was carried out by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC).
Studies delivered by LSMU in Public Health at both first-cycle (Public Health, Food Safety) and second-cycle (Public Health Management, Food Safety, Lifestyle Medicine, Applied Public Health) levelshave received positive assessment results. Both cycles scored 30 points each in all areas of assessment and were accredited for 7 years.
Teacher preparedness and material resources used for teaching received high scores (5) in both cycles of studies in Public Health. The high level of teachers’ scientific and research expertise, continuing education and development in the field of higher education pedagogy were noted.
Studies in this field at LSMU include such advantages as the high quality of research on relevant lifestyle and health literacy topics, student involvement in research, modern and well-equipped buildings of the University, and the availability of facilities for persons with physical disabilities.
The issued assessment conclusions state that “LSMU doubtlessly has a unique international and scientific profile, as it collaborates with several renowned universities, international institutions such as the WHO and ASPHER, and national institutions that are directly related to policy-making and control in this field of studies.”