Summer School 2024

Medical students are invited to participate in the summer school on 29 July – 9 August 2024. Students will have a great opportunity to visit different departments of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) and observe medical doctors’ work at the largest hospital in Lithuania the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos.
The speaking language in the summer school will be English.
Please find programme here.
Participation fee: 1189 Eur.
If you study Medicine in the second or upper years and would like to participate in the summer school, you are kindly asked to register here until 1 May 2024.
Applicants will also have to provide:
> certificate about the medical studies at the university (university name, study programme and study year should be indicated)
> certificate of an average of grades of modules (subjects) at the university
> curriculum vitae
Motivational interview will be conducted with the applicants.
IMPORTANT. LSMU collaborates with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) so German students can get scholarships from DAAD to participate in summer school.
Contact person: Laima Piliponienė,