Tuition-Free Studies for New Students from Ukraine

Enrolment 2022. Ukrainian citizens.
Lithuania will support a number of Ukrainian citizens in the enrolment 2022 by waiver of the tuition fee. A limited number of donations will be awarded following the principle of applicant competition in the enrollment process. The criterion for the competition is based on the secondary school graduation results and additional priority is given to those graduating in 2022 (see below for details). Those who will fail the competition but will comply with basic eligibility criteria will be offered a self-funded study option.
LSMU welcomes applications to the following study programmes in English (for more info click on the programme).
First cycle (Bachelor’s degree):
- Nursing: BSc in Health Sciences and qualification of General Practice Nurse.
- Physiotherapy: BSc in Health Sciences and qualification of Physiotherapist.
- Occupational therapy: BSc in Health Sciences and qualification of Occupational Therapist.
- Health Psychology: BSc in Social Sciences.
Integrated programs (long cycle for a Master’s degree):
- Pharmacy: MSc in Health Sciences and qualification of Pharmacist.
- Veterinary Medicine: MSc in Veterinary Sciences and qualification of Veterinary Doctor.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Secondary education is finished, and the qualification is confirmed in one of the following options:
>> Education finished and exams passed in Ukraine: test „Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ)“ or “Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання (ЗНО)” passed and „Свiдоцтво про здобуття базовоi середньоi освитi“ and „Додаток до свiдоцтва“ presented;
>> Education finished in Lithuania and national examination (Lithuanian) taken in Lithuania: at least two exams passed on the national examination level and „Brandos atestatas“ presented;
>>Education finished in Lithuania and the test „Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ)“ passed.
2. Applicant shall be present in Lithuania before the deadline for application and should be a holder of a permit of residence in Lithuania or granted the status of war refugee in Lithuania (document issued on arrival, typically same or on the next day in any of registration centers). This is a critical criterion.
3. English language competence at B1 level at least (confirmed by any certificate or/and verified during the interview with the admission officer).
Competition criteria:
1. All programmes except Health Psychology: grades of the exam (Biology – 40%; Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics (choice of applicant) – 20%; any exam grade (choice of applicant) – 20%; language – 20%) converted to 10-point scale. The percentage indicates the weight of the grade.
2. Applicant to Health Psychology: grades of the exam (Mathematics – 40%; Biology – 20%; any exam grade (choice of applicant) – 20%; language – 20%)
3. One point added to those who graduate secondary school in 2022.
Application process
Applications shall be submitted online at to LSMU, the deadline (last day) is 24th August 2022.
Applicants shall upload the copies of the following documents:
>> „Свiдоцтво про здобуття базовоi середньоi освитi“, „Додаток до свiдоцтва“ and results of „Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ)“ or “Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання (ЗНО)”.
>> Those who finished their education in Lithuania – „Brandos atestatas” and results of „Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ)“ if HMT was passed as an option.
>> English language certificate, if available.
>> Certificate of recognition of foreign qualification (secondary education equivalency to secondary education in Lithuania, if available.
>> Permit of residence in Lithuania or document proving the status of war refugee in Lithuania.
>> Passport or ID card.
>> Passport-type photograph.
Note: Applicants can submit their applications directly to the Centralised Admissions Information System (LAMA BPO) as well. However, we strongly recommend that the applicants choose to apply through the university as a direct application (LAMA BPO) might appear complicated in terms of understanding the requirements, and in this case, LSMU can provide effective support to the applicants.
Further steps
Applicants will be informed about a received application within 2 working days. Applicants shall check their mailboxes daily after submitting the application as only email will be used as communication means by the admission officers to communicate with the applicant.
The process of recognition of secondary education will be done by LSMU officers in case it has not been completed earlier and a certificate issued by LSMU. Applicants will be informed about the results as soon as the recognition process ends.
Within a week from the submission of the application, the applicant will be invited to an interview by the LSMU admission officer. The Zoom platform will be used for the interview. Make sure that you have a device (mobile, tablet, pc, etc.) able to connect with video and sound. The date and times will be suggested by the admission officer.
Presented applications will be uploaded to the Centralised Admissions Information System (LAMA BPO) by the LSMU staff before the national deadline (12:00 (LT time) on the 25th of July, 2022).
Important notes:
- only applications holding a complete set of listed documents will be uploaded by LSMU to the Centralised Admissions Information System (LAMA BPO);
- applicant physically shall be in Lithuania and registered as a war refugee before the deadlines – preferably before the 20th of July 2022. The grace period can be expected till the end of 24th of July 2022, however, LSMU cannot guarantee to upload the applicant’s data on time before the national deadline.
Information and enquires:
Phone: +370 37 327259
Office visit:
Room 109-115
International Relations and Study Centre,
Address: Mickeviciaus 9, Kaunas