White Coat Celebration

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MLK Z. Januskeviciaus Hall, Eivenių 4, Kaunas

The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences congratulates the freshmen on choosing the honorable medical profession. This profession is best represented by a white coat that exudes comfort and impeccable hygiene. This outfit is associated with deep knowledge, empathy and respect for the patient, lecturers, and colleagues. It is a symbol of commitment to perform one’s duties responsibly and honestly.

In order to consolidate this commitment and officially accept freshmen to the professional medical community, on September 13th we will hold a celebration at MLK, during which we will present them the most important clothing of the study period – WHITE COAT. Future doctors will confirm their promise to study medicine responsibly and honestly by saying the symbolic Hippocratic Oath.

The event will take place in MLK Z. Januskeviciaus Hall.