Staff mobility

Erasmus + gives lecturers of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) the opportunity to go to teach at partner foreign higher education institutions.
The main rules
1. A teaching staff member undergoing an Erasmus + taeching programme must take a course of at least 8 academic hours at the host university in accordance with a course of study agreed in advance with the host institution.
2. The host university must be included in the list of universities that have signed an Erasmus + bilateral agreement with LSMU.
● The content of the teaching programme and its correspondence to the study programme at a foreign university
● Relevance of the teacher’s teaching activity to the activities of the unit, institution and project implementation
● Knowledge of foreign language
● Experience working with international students
Priority is given to:
● LSMU unit (faculty, department) and study programme candidates who have initiated a cooperation project with the selected institution of the Partner country;
● For teaching visits that create added value and achieve the indicators and impact of the project: new teaching materials, teaching aids and methodologies are developed, liaisons between departments and faculties and other units are strengthened and expanded, joint academic and research projects are prepared, exchange of knowledge and experience is encouraged.
● For teachers who are participating in a teacher mobility program for the first time in the current academic year.
The selection is based on the questionnaires provided by the lecturers.
The final selection is carried out by the heads of the departments and units where the lecturer works and by the representatives of International Relations and Study Center.
Duration of Erasmus+ teaching mobility
Teachers traveling under the Erasmus + programme are entitled to a fixed travel and subsistence allowance.
The amount of the grant for travel expenses depends on the distance between the sending and host institutions, i.e. between the city of Kaunas and the place of performance. The distance is calculated on the basis of the European Commission’s distance calculator ® Europos Komisijos atstumų skaičiuokle.
Travel Distance | Amount |
10 to 99 km: | 23 EUR per one participant |
100 to 499 km: | 180 EUR per one participant |
500 to 1999 km: | 275 EUR per one participant |
2000 to 2999 km: | 360 EUR per one participant |
3000 to 3999 km: | 530 EUR per one participant |
4000 to 7999 km: | 820 EUR per one participant |
8000 km or more: | 1500 EUR per one participant |
The amount of the subsistence allowance is calculated on the basis of the standard of living abroad and the duration of the mobility. That is, by multiplying the number of days by a fixed rate that applies to the day in the host country concerned.
Receiving country | Amount per day, EUR |
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway | 180 |
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain | 160 |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Turkey | 140 |
Non-EU countries not listed above (only the institutions of these countries which are involved in the E + projects coordinated by LSMU and LSMU must have signed an inter-institutional agreement) | 180 (for incoming to LSMU – 140) |
LSMU teachers who wish to receive funds to go for E+ teaching at a foreign institution shall submit an application for teaching to International Relations and Study Center no later than 1 month before the planned visit.
Required documents:
1. Application for teaching ® Paraiška dėstyti
2. Mobility Agreement (1 copy – filled in and the signatures of the three parties are collected by the mobility participant);
3. Grant agreement (2 original copies – prepared by IRSC);
4. The secondment application shall be completed on the PADUS platform (to be completed by the mobility participant);
5. Certificate (1 original copy – prepared by IRSC);
6. EU online survey questionnaire (at the end of the mobility period, an e-mail invitation to fill in this questionnaire will be filled in by the mobility participant);
7. Financial settlement documents (travel tickets, accommodation invoices, etc. documents submitted to the Accounting and Reporting Service within 3 days after the end of the visit).
Before leaving, the employee must acquire necessary medical insurance abroad. As mobility participants traveling to Partner countries do not have a European Health Insurance Card, it is necessary to acquire insurance with any insurance company. It is recommended to purchase a full insurance package (health, accident, civil liability, etc.) that is valid during the visit to a foreign country.
Upon receiving an invitation to teach at a foreign institution, the lecturer must find out if he or she needs a visa for that country. Information on the conditions of entry, stay and departure can be checked on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
For the issuance of a visa, please contact the nearest diplomatic mission of the Partner country to which you intend to travel in Lithuania (if any) or in a neighboring country. The Erasmus Coordinator issue a letter of guarantee from the sending institution confirming the staff member’s participation in the Erasmus programme or other documents required for obtaining a visa.
The teacher self dependently coordinates the teaching programme and other details of the visit with the host departments at the foreign higher education institution.
In accordance with the EC and National Agency recommendations COVID-19, the LSMU Rector’s Order on Erasmus Virtual Employee Mobility was prepared, which provides for an additional workload grant for Erasmus teachers: additional workload is understood as harmonization and adaptation of the content and forms of distance learning transfer works to the virtual learning environment of a foreign higher education institution.
Virtual visits are only possible if there are no opportunities for live learning (f.e. due to pandemic restrictions, etc.). The grant will be paid as a salary supplement. One teacher virtual mobility activity (minimum teaching load – 8 academic hours) will be allocated (including taxes):
• Professor, chief researcher – 480.32 EUR;
• Associate Professor, Senior Researcher – 366.56 EUR;
• Lecturer, researcher – 278.08 EUR.
All other mobility documents (activity registration, operating contract, grant agreement) remain the same as for physical mobility.
Mobility is coordinated with the host institution and the coordinators of the Academic Mobility Unit, please contact: zivile.kepezinskiene@lsmu.lt.
The impact of teachers’ mobility is evaluated based on the results of their international activities, created in cooperation with teachers and researchers from partner institutions. According to the data of the survey of teachers conducted by International Relations and Study Centre in December 2022, the impact of mobility can be measured according to the following indicators: Prepared and published scientific monographs, scientific articles and publications, educational textbooks; Conducted joint research in international projects, presented scientific stands and reports at international conferences; Submitted project applications for LMT, COST, HORIZON, Eureka funding; Study programs have been updated and created (including residency programs in various fields), new study subjects and new study programs have been prepared and started to be taught.
LSMU teachers and researchers participating in international activities have gained recognition from foreign universities and have been invited to become editors of scientific journals and reviewers of doctoral students’ works from foreign institutions. Results of LSMU teachers’ international activities (Teacher survey, conducted in December 2022)