For incoming teachers and staff

Academicians/Teachers from partner universities are welcome to come for teaching visits at LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES (LSMU) under:
Academicians/Teachers from partner universities are welcome to come for teaching visits at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) under:
- Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching from institutions having bilateral agreement with LSMU. Minimum 8 hours of lectures or workshops/ seminars/classes are expected from the teachers arriving for a teaching visit of 1 week.
- LSMU funding for visiting professors – arrival of high qualifications professors exclusively upon individual invitation of a specific LSMU department for min. 2 days/8 teaching hours.
Funding scheme: reimbursement of personal accommodation and travel costs. Proposal is initiated by receiving faculty at LSMU.
- Framework of annual project co-funded by The Education Exchanges Support Foundation.
Proposal is prepared by LSMU departments, and a summary application is submitted and coordinated by International Relations and Study Center.
- as our guest lecturers under individual Agreements with receiving departments at LSMU.
Usually, minimum 8 hours of lectures or workshops/ seminars/classes are expected from the guests arriving for a visit of 1 week.
Staff members from partner universities are welcome to come for training visits under individual agreed training programme or to participate in annual International Staff Week at LSMU (organized either physically or virtually).
Invitation to register for the event is distributed to partner institutions well in advance.
Staff training may comprise 2 to 5 days of activities.
You are welcome to contact LSMU Erasmus+ Office or providing relevant academic departments with offered teaching/ training programmes, according to LSMU structure.