Academic information

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The Information (services) Department provides methodological assistance to students in matters of the course or organisation of studies and academic-administrative services.

Personal data

When logging into the LSMU Student Information System (LSMUSIS) for the first time, you need to verify your personal and contact details.

Updating personal data:

  • If you notice any inaccuracies, complete the application form “Regarding Specification of Personal Data”.
  • Do not use this form to change your name or surname in the system.
  • Once you receive confirmation, check that your personal data has been updated correctly.

Changing name or surname:

  • If you have changed your name or surname, complete the application form “Regarding Change of Surname”.
  • Do not use this form to correct any inaccuracies in your personal or contact details.
  • Once you receive confirmation, check that your name or surname has been updated correctly.
  • Log into the LSMUSIS.
  • Select “Submit a new application”.
  • Choose your study programme and the request form “Regarding Specification of Personal Data” or “Regarding Change of Surname”.
  • Click “Make a request” ;
  • Complete the request form, specifying the updated name or surname.
  • Attach copies of supporting documents (e.g., identity document, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, name/surname change certificate).
  • “Being prepared” – the request has not been submitted; you can edit it. The edited and corrected application must be “Submitted”;
  • “Submitted request” – the request has been executed;
  • “Order being prepared” – means an order is being prepared to satisfy the request;
  • “Satisfied” – the order has been approved by the rector;
  • “Rejected” or “Returned for repair” – see the “Mediation section” for an explanation.
Consultations regarding the Student Register
Jolita Cibulskienė
Senior Specialist at the Study Centre
Consultations regarding updates to personal data
Kotryna Gigaitė
Specialist at the Study Centre
Student card

General information regarding the student card:

  • Paper student cards are issued by the Office of Study Information at the Study Centre within seven calendar days of the request.
  • Students must collect their card in person.
  • Uncollected student cards are stored for one year, after which they are destroyed.
  • The student card is valid for the entire duration of the study programme.
  • If a student terminates their studies before the end date specified on the student card, they must return it to the Dean’s Office of their respective Faculty.

The student card contains the following information:

  • A photo appropriate to the student’s age (25 mm x 32 mm) that meets general ID requirements.
  • Student’s name and surname.
  • Academy, faculty.
  • Study programme.
  • Assigned student registration number in the study information system.
  • The name and logo of the university.
  • Validity period of the card.

Instructions on how to take own photo:

  • Choose a well-lit room (daylight is best).
  • Set the front camera of your smart device.
  • Stand against a white wall (with your back to the wall).
  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you, holding your smart device.
  • Adjust the camera so that your face is centred on the screen.
  • Look directly at the camera with a neutral facial expression and take the photo.

For an ID-appropriate photo, DO NOT pose with sunglasses, masks, head coverings (except for religious reasons), etc. Your clothing should be neat and appropriate, such as a shirt, jacket, or plain blouse, etc.

The student card can be replaced if:

  • The student changes their name or surname.
  • The student changes their study programme.
  • There are inaccuracies in the records.
  • The card becomes unfit for use.
  • The validity period has expired.
  • The card is lost.

The student card is issued to students free of charge.

Any questions about the student card?
Jolita Cibulskienė
Senior Specialist at the Study Centre

Types of Certificates

  • Regarding the duration of studies – the certificate confirming that you are a student at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, specifying the relevant faculty, cycle, mode, and year of the study programme, as well as indicating the start and expected dates of your studies.
  • Regarding the financing of studies – the certificate confirming that you are a student at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, specifying the relevant faculty, cycle, mode, and year of the study programme, as well as whether you are a state-funded or self-funded student.
  • Regarding the payment of tuition fee – the certificate confirming that you are a student at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, specifying the relevant faculty, cycle, mode, and year of the study programme, as well as whether you have paid for your studies.
  • Regarding the payment of tuition fee for the State Tax Inspectorate (payments must have been made) – the certificate confirming payments made for the tuition, intended for the submission of your tax return to the State Tax Inspectorate.

Please note:

  • The name of the intended recipient and the language of the certificate must match. The recipient is either a natural person or a legal entity for whom the certificate is intended.
  • In Lithuanian, the recipient’s name in certificates is written in the dative case, e.g., “AB Šiaulių bankui,” (nominative case: “AB Šiaulių bankas”), “UAB Marijampolės apskrities atliekų tvarkymo centrui,” (nominative case: “UAB Marijampolės apskrities atliekų tvarkymo centras”), “Kauno apylinkės teismui,” (nominative case: “Kauno apylinkės teismas”), etc.
  • In English, if the recipient is not known, the wording “To Whom It May Concern” should be used, written in capital letters.
  • In Lithuanian, certificates look more formal if you include the type of organisation (if applicable), such as UAB, VšĮ, AB, MB, etc. You can find these types listed here. If the recipient is truly unknown, the certificate should state “Pačiam prašant” (At the requester’s discretion).

You can also request a transcript of records, i.e. the summary of your grades, through LSMUSIS. The ordered transcript of records should be collected from your respective faculty. Please note that this transcript is not a certificate confirming that you are a student at the University!

  • Log into the LSMUSIS.
  • Select “Submit a new request”.
  • Choose your study programme.
  • Specify the language in which the certificate should be issued and the recipient of the certificate (clearly and accurately, as the information you enter here will be printed on the certificate; there is no need to state the reason).
  • Click “Make a request”.
  • Preparing” – the application has not been submitted yet, and you may edit it.
  • Submitted” – processing of the application has begun.
  • Rejected” – check the Mediation part for an explanation.
  • Correct the request as indicated and resubmit it.
  • Ready for take-back” – your certificate / transcript of records is ready for collection.

As soon as the application status is “Ready for take-back”:

  • your certificate is ready to be collected at the Student Information (Services) Department;
  • your transcript of records is ready to be collected at the Dean’s Office.
Consultations regarding the certificates
Kotryna Gigaitė
Specialist at the Study Centre
Academic calendar and schedules


You can find your study schedule by logging into your personal LSMUSIS account.  Schedule grids are available in the LSMUS section “Grid”. 

Autumn Semester1/9/2024 – 31/1/2025
The beginning of studies2/9/2024
Christmas holidays23/12/2024 – 5/1/2025
Resit week (autumn semester)27/1/2025 – 31/1/2025
Bank holidays in Lithuania (the University will be closed)1/11/2024 – All Saint‘s Day
2/11/2024 – The Day for Commemorating the Dead/Vėlinės
24/12/2024 – Christmas Eve
25/12/2024 – Christmas Day
26/12/2024 – Christmas Day
1/1/2025 – New Year‘s Day

Spring Semester1/2/2025 – 30/6/2025
The beginning of studies3/2/2025
Easter holidays20/4/2025 – 27/4/2025
Resit week (spring semester)23/6/2025 – 30/6/2025
Resit week (whole academic year)20/8/2025 – 26/8/2025
Bank holidays in Lithuania (the University will be closed)16/2/2025 – Independence Day of the Republic of Lithuania
11/3/2025 – Restoration of Independence Day of the Republic of Lithuania
20/4/2025 – Easter
21/4/2025 – Easter
1/5/2025 – International Workers‘ Day
4/5/2025 – Mother‘s Day
1/6/2025 – Father‘s Day
24/6/2025 – Midsummer (Joninės/Rasos) celebration

International Relations and Study Centre together with representatives of foreign students prepared and coordinated the calendar of religious holidays.  On these days students are free to celebrate their religious holidays, however they need to complete missed tasks on a settled time that is provided by the study departments.

Religious holidays of foreign students 2024-2025 a. y.

Jewish religious holidays

Religious holidays2024 y.2025 y.Studies (duration)Allowed types of activities
Erev PessachApr. 22 (Monday)Apr. 12 (Saturday)Until 2 p.m.Consultation, Laboratory work, Lecture, Training Exercises, Seminars, Tutorials.
Pessach IApr. 23 (Tuesday)Apr.13 (Sunday) 
Erev Rosh HashanahOct. 2 (Wednesday)Sept. 22 (Monday)Until 2 p.m.Consultation, Laboratory work, Lecture, Training Exercises, Seminars, Tutorials.
Rosh HashanahOct. 3 (Thursday)Sept. 23 (Tuesday) 
Erev Yom KippurOct. 11 (Friday)Oct. 1 (Wednesday)Until 2 p.m.Consultation, Laboratory work, Lecture, Training Exercises, Seminars, Tutorials.
Yom KippurOct. 12 (Saturday)Oct. 2 (Thursday) 
Here is a list of Jewish religious holidays, when the students have to request individually the approval of the dean not to participate in classes. However, they need to complete missed tasks on a settled time that is provided by the study departments.

Shavuot: Tuesday evening, June 11 until Wednesday evening, June 12, 2024;
Rosh Hashana: October 4 (Friday), 2024 and September 24 (Wednesday), 2025;
Sukkot: October 17 (Thursday) and October 24, 2024 and October 7 (Tuesday), 2025;
Simchat Tora: Wednesday evening, October 23, until Thursday evening, October 25, 2024;
Shavuot: Monday evening, June 1, until Tuesday evening, June 2, 2025.

Islamic religious holidays

Religious holidays2024 y.2025 y.Studies (duration)Allowed types of activities
Ramadan startsMar. 11 (Monday)Mar. 1 (Saturday)
Eid AlfitrApr. 11 (Thursday)March 30 (Sunday)Until 2 p.m.Consultation, Laboratory work, Lecture, Training Exercises, Seminars,
Eid AlfitrApr. 12 (Friday)March 31 (Monday)
Eid al-AdhaJune 17 (Monday)June 7 (Saturday)
Here is a list of Islamic religious holidays, when the students have to request individually the approval of the dean not to participate in classes.  However, they need to complete missed tasks on a settled time that is provided by the study departments.
Ramadan starts: March 11 (Monday), 2024 and March 1 (Saturday), 2025;
Eid Al Adha: June 18 (Tuesday), 2024 and June 8 (Sunday), 2025;
Arba’een: August 25 (Sunday), 2024 and August 14 (Thursday), 2025;
Mawlid of the Prophet Muhammad: September 16 (Monday), 2024 and September 5 (Thursday), 2025.

Hindu religious holidays

Religious holidays2024 y.  2025 y.Studies (duration)Allowed types of activities
DiwaliNov. 1 (Friday)Oct. 20 (Monday)
Here is a list of Hindu religious holidays, when the students have to request individually the approval of the dean not to participate in classes.  However, they need to complete missed tasks on a settled time that is provided by the study departments.

Buddhism religious holidays

Here is a list of Buddhism religious holidays, when the students have to request individually the approval of the dean not to participate in classes.  However, they need to complete missed tasks on a settled time that is provided by the study departments.
Budha‘s day – May 23 (Thursday), 2024;
Budha‘s day – May 12
(Thursday), 2025.

Study plans

Study plans 2025 – 2026 m.

Medicine – Integrated study programme

Medical and Veterinary Genetics – First cycle study programme

Medicial and Veterinary Biochemistry – First cycle study programme

Laboratory medical biology – Second cycle study programme


Pharmacy – Integrated study programme

Medicinal chemistry – Second cycle study programme

Nursing – First cycle study programme

Occupational Therapy – First cycle study programme

Physiotherapy – First cycle study programme

Health Psychology – First cycle study programme

Clinical Health Psychology – Second cycle study programme

Applied Public Health – Second cycle study programme

Lifestyle Medicine – Second cycle study programme

Odontology – Integrated study programme

Dental Hygiene – First cycle study programme

Veterinary Medicine – Integrated study programme

Food Science – Second cycle study programme

Animal and Human Interaction – Second cycle study programme

Animal science – Second cycle study programme

Study plans 2024 – 2025 m.

Medicine – Integrated study programme

Medical and Veterinary Genetics – First cycle study programme

Medicial and Veterinary Biochemistry – First cycle study programme

Laboratory medical biology – Second cycle study programme


Pharmacy – Integrated study programme

Medicinal chemistry – Second cycle study programme

Nursing – First cycle study programme

Occupational Therapy – First cycle study programme

Physiotherapy – First cycle study programme

Health Psychology – First cycle study programme

Clinical Health Psychology – Second cycle study programme

Applied Public Health – Second cycle study programme

Management of Public Health – Second cycle study programme

Lifestyle Medicine – Second cycle study programme

Public Health – Additional study programme

Odontology – Integrated study programme

Dental Hygiene – First cycle study programme

Veterinary Medicine – Integrated study programme (admitted since 2017)

Veterinary Medicine – Integrated study programme (admitted from 2020)

Food Science – Second cycle study programme

Animal and Human Interaction – Second cycle study programme

Animal science – Second cycle study programme

Study plans 2023 – 2024 m.

Medicine – Integrated study programme

Medical and Veterinary Genetics – First cycle study programme


Pharmacy – Integrated study programme

Nursing – First cycle study programme

Advanced Nursing Practice – Second cycle study programme

Occupational Therapy – First cycle study programme

Physiotherapy – First cycle study programme

Health Psychology – First cycle study programme

Clinical Health Psychology – Second cycle study programme

Applied Public Health – Second cycle study programme

Management of Public Health – Second cycle study programme

Lifestyle Medicine – Second cycle study programme

Public Health – Additional study programme

Odontology – Integrated study programme

Dental Hygiene – First cycle study programme

Veterinary Medicine – Integrated study programme (admitted since 2017)

Veterinary Medicine – Integrated study programme (admitted from 2020)

Food Science – Second cycle study programme

Animal and Human Interaction – Second cycle study programme

Animal Science – Second cycle study programme

Study plans 2022 – 2023 m.

Academic ranking

Academic ranking for funding eligibility:

  • Academic ranking for funding eligibility takes place among students within the same field, year, and mode of study.
  • Eligible years: all years of the first-cycle and integrated studies, except for the first year.
  • Evaluation period: one academic year, i.e. from 1 September to 31 August.
  • Conducted annually at the end of each academic year.
  • The academic ranking for funding eligibility is based on the level of learning outcomes during the evaluation period.

* State-funded students with the threshold level of learning outcomes retain their state-funded status only if there are no self-funded students with excellent or typical level of learning outcomes.

Do you have questions about the rotation?
Assoc. Prof. Jurgita Dailidavičienė
Senior Specialist at the Study Centre
Crediting of study subjects/modules

In accordance with the new Study Regulations, please submit all the necessary documents to the dean’s offices to have your academic results credited. Detailed information about the crediting of academic results can be found on pages 44-46, Section XI of the Study Regulations.

  • Fill out the application form (available at the dean’s office).
  • Submit a copy of your diploma and its supplement.

If the subject is mandatory and not elective, provide the subject description.

  • Fill out the application form (available at the dean’s office).
  • Submit a certificate of studies/academic transcript.

If the subject is mandatory and not elective, provide the subject descriptions.

  • Fill out the application form (available at the dean’s office).
  • Submit the study certificate (transcript of records) (this can be requested through LSMUSIS and collected from the dean’s office where you studied at the time).
  • Fill out the application form (available at the dean’s office).
  • Submit a copy of your diploma and its supplement.
Adjusting the course of study (change of study programme, group)
Study programme

You can apply for another study programme by submitting your request through the LSMUSIS or to the Dean of the Faculty.

This option is available to the following students:

1.  Students receiving a tuition scholarship:

  • You can change your programme within the same group of study fields (at a university or higher education college).
  • You can change your programme after the first academic year if you have no academic debts.
  • The financial conditions are defined in the LSMU Rules of Procedure.

2.  Self-funded students:

  • You can change your programme within the same group of study fields (at a university or higher education college) after each semester, but only after the first semester and if you have no academic debt.
  • The financial conditions are set out in the description of the procedure related to the studies at LSMU.
  • You will be notified of the change of study programme electronically within 5 working days.
  • The change of study programme is formalised by signing a new study agreement at the Study Centre.
  • If there are differences in the curricula, you have one calendar year to resolve them.

Elective subjects

Students may change their elective subject, however, the process for making such a change must be finalised prior to the commencement of the course.

You can also apply to attend extra classes, become an auditor, or attend lectures according to an individual schedule. In all these cases, the student must submit the application via the LSMUSIS system.

Changing your group

If you wish to change your group, you must submit the application for a change of group via the LSMUSIS system by completing the online request form for changing the group without giving a reason or changing the group with objective reason.

If you are considering changing your group, please take note of the following:

  • You may change your group without indicating a reason once during the entire study period.
  • You need to provide the objective, clear reasons, submit the supporting documents or other evidence to justify your request.

The Dean of the Faculty will examine the application within 2 working weeks.

The Dean of the Faculty issues the decision on the consent/refusal to grant the student’s application. In case of a positive decision, it also contains the approval, and the specialist at the Study Centre enforces the student’s application by assigning the student to the respective group.

  • Log into the LSMUSIS
  • Select “Submit a new request”.
  • Select the study programme and application form “Regarding the study programme/form of studies/change of optional subject/permission to attend additional classes/listener admission/individual study schedule”;
  • Click “Make a request”;
  • Fill out the application form, specify the date and course;
  • If documents are required, attach their copies (health certificate, birth, death certificates, etc.).
  • Preparing” – the application has not been submitted yet, and you may edit it. You need to “Submit” the edited and corrected application for further processing.
  • Submitted” – processing of the application has begun.
  • Validated …”– the request is being implemented by the responsible department or person.
  • Preparing order” – an order is being prepared to fulfil the application.
  • Approved” – the order has been approved by the Rector.
  • Rejected” or “Returned for repair” – check the Mediation part for an explanation.
Final thesis

If you have good reasons to defend your final thesis before or after the scheduled time, you must fill out an application at LSMUSIS.

You can apply for retaking the final exam if:

  • You failed the final exam and were removed from the student list. Do not forget that the request “Regarding renewal of studies, admission to a higher course” must already be submitted and approved.
  • If you want to retake the final exam for a better grade, retaking is paid and is possible no earlier than one year later.
  • Log in
  • Select “Submit a new request” ;
  • Select the study programme and the application form “Regarding postponement of the defence of the final thesis” / “Regarding the permission to defend the final thesis earlier” / “Regarding the retaking of the final exam”;
  • Click “Make a request” ;
  • If documents are required for obtaining a permit, please attach copies of them
  • “Being prepared” – the request has not been submitted; you can edit it. The edited and corrected application must be “Submitted”;
  • “Submitted request” – the request has been executed;
  • “Approved…” – the request is executed by the responsible department or person;
  • “Satisfied” – the order has been approved by the rector;
  • “Rejected” or “Returned for corrections” – see the “Mediation section” for an explanation.

Regarding the dissemination of surveys for final theses

The university cannot share students’ email addresses with other students for the purpose of conducting surveys due to the following reasons:

· In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an email address is classified as personal data because it contains identifiers that enable the identification of an individual. Regardless of whether the email address is used for personal purposes or solely for academic needs, it is still considered personal data.

· Every instance of personal data processing (including transfer, usage, etc.) must be lawful, i.e., based on at least one statutory condition for lawful processing (such as consent, performance of a contract, performance of a legal obligation, etc.). In the case of surveys, there is no legal basis to transfer students’ email addresses to other students, nor for students to use them for purposes such as the dissemination of surveys.

Students should use alternative methods for distributing surveys, such as posting them on social media platforms, etc.


An appeal can be submitted for:

  • Regarding assessment results within 1 day from the announcement to the dean;
  • Regarding the exam results within 2 days from the announcement to the dean;
  • Regarding evaluation procedures, within 1 day from the evaluation to the dean;
  • Final exam or final thesis assessment and procedures within 1 day to the rector.

Look for the appeal hearing date in the “Mediation section”. You must attend the hearing, if you cannot, inform the commission so that a new hearing date is set.

  • The appeal regarding credit, exam, assessment procedures must be examined within 14 days from the date of the appeal;
  • The decision of the appeal commission is submitted in registered note and electronically no later than 2 days after the decision is made.
  • Log in
  • Select “Submit a new request” ;
  • Choose a study programme and request form;
  • Click “Make a request”;
  • Fill out the request form, be sure to indicate clear and reasoned reasons for the appeal, otherwise the appeal may be rejected;
  • Attach copies of documents confirming the reasons (documents proving violations of assessment procedures, etc.).
  • “Being prepared” – the request has not been submitted; you can edit it. The edited and corrected application must be “Submitted”;
  • “Submitted request” – the request has been executed;
  • “Approved…” – the request is executed by the responsible department or person;
  • “Satisfied” – the order has been approved by the rector;
  • “Rejected” or “Returned for corrections” – see the “Mediation section” for an explanation.
Dispute resolution assistance 

Students can file a complaint with the commission when there is a disagreement with the administration regarding the resolution of the violation of students’ rights and legitimate interests related to research and study activities with the administration and other employees. These rights apply to both students and persons with the status of a “listener”.

A student who believes that their rights or legitimate interests have been violated has the right to selectively apply to:

  • Rector of the University or an authorised person.
  • Dispute Resolution Commission

The student has the right to apply to the Dispute Resolution Commission in the following cases:

  • if they are dissatisfied with the decision made by the rector of the University or their authorised person;
  • if they did not receive an answer to the submitted complaint from the rector of the University or their authorised person within 15 calendar days from the day the student submitted the complaint;
  • if he is dissatisfied with the decision made by the rector of the University or the dean of the University faculty regarding the awarding of a disciplinary penalty or incentive;
  • due to procedural violations in the examination of student appeals in the Appeal Panel;
  • due to procedural violations in the examination of student evaluation ethics violations in the Evaluation Ethics Violations Commission;
  • if they are dissatisfied with the decision of the rector of the University or their authorised person to refuse to consider the student’s complaint.

Students must comply with the deadline of 10 days for submitting complaints, and the commission must examine the received complaint and make a decision within 15 working days. If necessary, by reasoned decision of the commission, the general deadline for examining the complaint can be extended by another 10 working days. 


Birutė Tamošiūnaitė
Termination and resumption of studies

Termination of studies:

  • The student can discontinue their studies at any time on their own initiative.
  • You must submit this request after changing the study programme or mode.
  • You must settle your payments with the university in full before you discontinue your studies.
  • If you would like to resume the discontinued studies on your own initiative, complete the application “Regarding Renewal of Studies by Accepting the Person to Higher Course”.

Complete the “Renewal of studies” application upon the expiry of the following:

  • academic leave;
  • period of suspension of studies.
  • Log into the LSMUSIS.
  • Select “Submit a new request”.
  • Choose your study programme.
  • Find the applicable request form “Regarding Termination of Studies by Getting Crossed out from the Register of Students/Renewal of Studies”.
  • Click “Generate the application”.
  • Complete the request form by specifying the date and selecting one of the reasons from the available options.
  • If the specified reasons have to be supported by documents, attach the copies of the supporting documents.
  • Preparing” – the application has not been submitted yet, and you may edit it. You need to “Submit” the edited and corrected application for further processing.
  • Submitted” – processing of the application has begun.
  • Validated …”– the request is being implemented by the responsible department or person.
  • Preparing order” – an order is being prepared to fulfil the application.
  • Approved” – the order has been approved by the Rector.
  • Rejected” or “Returned for repair” – check the Mediation part for an explanation.


Academic leave

Academic leave can be granted under the following circumstances and conditions:

  • Sickness – up to 1 year (can be extended to the maximum of 3 years).
  • Pregnancy, parental, or childcare leave – for the statutory period (no more than 3 years).
  • Personal reasons – up to 1 year (oncer per the whole period of studies).
  • During the academic leave, you can repeat subjects that you have an academic debt for, in accordance with the fee regulations.
  • After the academic leave, the student returns to the same study place. The request to resume the studies shall be submitted at least 10 working days before the end of the academic leave. In case of a delay to submit the request, the procedure to remove the student from the register of students may be initiated.

Academic leave can be:

  • Extended by submitting a request “Regarding the extension of academic leave”.
  • Terminated by submitting a request “Regarding the termination of academic leave”.

Academic leave can be terminated before the its completion.

  • Log into the LSMUSIS.
  • Select “Submit a new request”.
  • Choose your study programme.
  • Find the request form “Regarding the granting/extension/termination of academic leave due to…”.
  • Click “Generate the application”.
  • Complete the request form, specifying start and end dates of the academic leave.
  • If needed, attach the copies of the supporting documents (medical certificate, child’s birth certificate).
  • Preparing” – the application has not been submitted yet, and you may edit it. You need to “Submit” the edited and corrected application for further processing.
  • Submitted” – processing of the application has begun.
  • Validated …”– the request is being implemented by the responsible department or person.
  • Preparing order” – an order is being prepared to fulfil the application.
  • Approved” – the order has been approved by the Rector.
  • Rejected” or “Returned for repair” – check the Mediation part for an explanation.
Academic debt

An academic debt (failure) is recorded if a student has received a failing grade at the end of a subject or module.

Students are entitled to two attempts to eliminate an academic debt free of charge:

  • During the academic debt elimination week at the end of each semester.
  • During an additional academic debt elimination week in August.


  • Schedules for academic debt elimination are published in the LSMUSIS system at least 2 months before the end of the semester.
  • Students must register for academic debt elimination in the LSMUSIS system according to the instructions provided by the academic department.
  • If the academic debt is not eliminated during the academic debt elimination week of the semester, an extension may be requested until 31 April.
  • Final-year students can eliminate their academic debts during the academic debt elimination weeks of the semester and end of year.
  • If the academic debt is not eliminated after the year-end academic debt elimination week, the student is required to repeat the subject or module.

Repeating the subject (module) is required if:

  • The academic debt has not been eliminated after the year-end academic debt elimination week (31 August).
  • You have missed more than 25% of the contact hours for the subject (module).

A student may repeat:

  • One or more subjects (modules).
  • An entire semester or academic year if no subjects have been completed.


  • Students with the academic debt of less than 12 credits may continue their studies in the next academic year according to an individual schedule.
  • Repeated studies must be completed within one year; otherwise, the student will not be allowed to continue into the next academic year.
  • Repeating your studies is subject to a fee. The application to repeat the studies must be submitted via the LSMUSIS system by 5 September.

The same subject may be repeated no more than twice. If the passing grade is not achieved, the study contract may be terminated.

  • Log into the LSMUSIS
  • Select “Submit a new request”.
  • Choose your study programme. Find the applicable request form “Regarding Completion of Academic Failures”, “Regarding Repetition of Subject/Module during Academic Leave”, “Regarding Completion of Academic Failures”, or “Regarding Re-Examination during Academic Leave”. Select the subject and date.
  • Click “Generate the application”.
  • Complete the request form, specifying the reasons for repeating the subject (module).
  • If the specified reasons have to be supported by documents, attach the copies of the supporting documents.
  • Preparing” – the application has not been submitted yet, and you may edit it. You need to “Submit” the edited and corrected application for further processing.
  • Submitted” – processing of the application has begun.
  • Validated …”– the request is being implemented by the responsible department or person.
  • Preparing order” – an order is being prepared to fulfil the application.
  • Approved” – the order has been approved by the Rector.
  • Rejected” or “Returned for repair” – check the Mediation part for an explanation.
Have questions?
Contact us!