Erasmus+ studies for outgoing

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Erasmus+ programme supports the academic exchange of students between the higher education institutions of the participating countries and enables students to spend an integrated period of study at a higher education institution in another country.

Academic mobility provides an opportunity to receive study, linguistic and cultural benefits from the learning experience, to develop highly qualified, broad-minded young professionals with foreign experience.

Exchange partners

The Erasmus+ mobility is carried out in the framework of interinstitutional agreements between partner universities. The countries, which are participating in the Erasmus+ program are 27 EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, and Macedonia.

Switzerland participates in Erasmus programme activities as a partner country. An Erasmus grant for incoming students is be paid by the host university in Switzerland. Grant rate: 420 CHF/month (approx. 390 EUR/month).

The Erasmus mobility is carried out in the framework of inter-institutional agreements between partner universities. Erasmus exchange possibilities are depending on your study program and faculty in which you are enrolled.

Who can participate?

Erasmus+ is open for all, Lithuanian and international students registered and enrolled in a full-time study programme at LSMU.


Requirements for participants

Erasmus+ is open for all, Lithuanian and international students registered and enrolled in a full-time study programme at LSMU. 

You are eligible to apply the application for the Erasmus+ exchange if you have finished your first year of undergraduate studies (for students from Integrated and Bachelor study programs), and as for Master and Doctoral study program students – after finishing your first-year autumn semester. If you are in the higher year of studies, you should have successfully completed the previous years of studies to be nominated for the Erasmus exchange.

The main Erasmus selection criteria:

  • Academic achievements at LSMU (minimum average of grades – 7, without academic failure);
  • The compatibility of the study programmes at LSMU and host university;  
  • Foreign language skills (Language of instruction at the host university);
  • Motivation and communication skills.

When you are away on Erasmus+ studies, you cannot apply for other Erasmus+ studies again, however you can participate in the application call for Erasmus+ traineeship.

What is the duration of Erasmus studies?

Usually, Erasmus selection for the next academic year starts in January-February and would be announced by the LSMU Division of Academic Mobility. Additional Erasmus selection could be organized in April and September in case there are free places.

The duration of Erasmus+ studies is determined in the inter-institutional agreements between LSMU and host universities. During one academic year Erasmus+ studies can last: 

  • min. – 2 months
  • max. – 12 months 

Usually, Erasmus selection for the next academic year starts in January and would be announced by the LSMU Division of Academic Mobility. Additional Erasmus selection could be organized in September in case there are free places for the spring semester.

The same student can go for Erasmus+ studies more than once but total duration of mobilities (including the Erasmus+ traineeship and studies) cannot exceed: 

  • 12 months per each cycle of study (bachelor, master, doctoral).
  • 24 months for integrated degrees (Medicine, Odontology, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine). 

The duration of Erasmus + studies may be extended (if it is less than one academic year and lasts up to one year) only in individual cases, with the agreement of the sending and host institutions and in accordance with the following requirements: 

  • any changes to the bilateral agreements between the institutions and the sending institution and the student must be made in advance before the end of the current Erasmus + study period abroad;
  • It is forbidden to continue studies after the summer holidays of the current year or at the end of the academic year in which the Erasmus + scholarship was awarded.

During the extended study period, the student is still paid a fixed study scholarship, or the student can continue his/her studies with a “zero” scholarship (see Erasmus grant).

Financial support for studies

Erasmus grant for studies

All students nominated for Erasmus study mobility are eligible for an Erasmus grant. Erasmus grant is intended as a contribution to assist you with any extra travel and subsistence costs while you are studying and living abroad.

The amount of grant you will receive depends on the Erasmus host country and duration of Erasmus exchange period. Grant levels are determined by National Agency each year.

Grant rates

GroupCountriesGrant rate EUR/month

2023 year project
1Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland674
2Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal674
3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkey606
Partner countriesAlbania, Australia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, USA, Canada, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Moldova, Tajikistan, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, etc.700

The Erasmus scholarship is transferred twice. Before the departure student receives 90% of the scholarship. The 10% of the remaining scholarship is transferred after student comes back and submits all required documents.

“Zero-grant” scholarship

Students who are not applying for an Erasmus+ scholarship can also participate in the selection for mobility. Students who meet the criteria for Erasmus+ study mobility have all the rights and benefits from all advantages of being Erasmus+ student, but do not receive an Erasmus+ mobility grant (“zero-grant” Erasmus+ student).

The Host institution cannot demand any tuition fees, and the sending institution guarantees full academic recognition of the study results brought home.

Additional financial support

Students who belong to disadvantaged groups can receive financial support – 250 Eur/month.
Requirements for international students:

  • A legal guardian was appointed for the student until 18 years old and student is not older than 25 years old at this moment.
  • Orphans (both parents are dead OR student had only one parent who is dead).
  • Confirmed 45% (or less) capacity for work OR moderate or severe disability level.

Description of the procedure for granting additional financial Support to students participating in Erasmus+ programme.

Student must submit document that confirms this status to Erasmus coordinator at LSMU.

Should I pay tuition fees?

Erasmus students are exempted from paying fees for tuition at the host institution. But they still need to pay full tuition fees at LSMU while studying abroad.  You simply continue with your current payment plan at LSMU.

How to apply?


Find out where you can study in your subject area and how many places are available at your chosen university. There are a limited number of places available per institution, so keep a second choice in mind!

You will be able to choose max. 3 universities by priority.


Make investigation of the courses and modules offered at the Host universities. Compare their compatibility to LSMU study courses and modules.
Student are expected to attend classes and to participate in assessments for all courses, as required by the host university. You should achieve 60 ECTS credits per year (30 ECTS credits per semester) at the host institution.


Wait for Erasmus call and apply for Erasmus+ studies at LSMU!

  •  Students who wish to study abroad under the Erasmus+ studies program must fill out the electronic application form prepared by TRSC by the set date (on Mobility Online platform);
  • Fill in the application form only when the selection is announced;
  • You can choose only 3 universities, by ranking them in order of priority.

Foreign language (English, German, French) exam is not required for:

  • international students (just for an English language);
  • native speakers in French or German language;
  • holders of language certificate B2 level and higher;
  • students who have a final grade of professional language module.

Foreign language (English, German, and French) examination for the Erasmus exchange programme: structure and evaluation.


  • During the application period, student must prepare a motivation letter (more information will be provided when filling out the application form).
  • After the application period ends, LSMU Erasmus+ Selection Commission members evaluate each student’s motivation to study at the chosen foreign institution, social engagement and level of independence. The Erasmus+ Selection Committee is formed for each faculty separately.

Each member of the Commission evaluates the student’s motivation, social engagement and level of independence on a scale of 0-10 points (with an interval of 1 point). The evaluations of all Commission members are added together, and the overall average is calculated.


The final score is calculated after selection:

Grade Point Average (60%) + Motivation (30%) + Social Engagement and Level of Independence (10%)

The maximum score is 10, but student can receive additional points also for:

  • Active participation in the Erasmus mentorship programme – 0.5 point (point given for the student who has undertaken mentoring activity for at least 2 semesters at LSMU);
  • First-time Erasmus study mobility – 0.3 point;
  • Erasmus mobility to other country as the country of origin – 0.3 point.

Additional points are added to the final score of the selection. Based on the final score, students are ranked in the competition to get an Erasmus grant for studies.

TRSC organizes an informational meeting for selected students, where the next steps are explained.


Erasmus+ documents for selected students

Students selected for Erasmus + study at LSMU must complete the application documents by the application deadline set by the foreign university. What documents are required, by what date and at what address they can be sent, the student must find out by himself/herself by reviewing the website of the host university (e.g. section: incoming Erasmus + students)

The main documents can be:

  • Application Form
  • Learning Agreement
  • Transcript of Records
  • Accommodation Form

Application Form. The students need to provide personal data, information of sending institution, the period of  Erasmus+ studies at a host university, foreign language proficiency, work experience. Sometimes students are requisted to apply a short student’s motivation letter or study plan.

Learning Agreement. Thisis a tripartite agreement (student, LSMU and host institution), which clearly defines study program: chosen courses, duration, the number of credits. Based on a study program and course descriptions submitted by a foreign university, the student prepares his study program for the period that he will study at a foreign university. The subjects chosen by the student, their volume in ECTS credits should, as far as possible, coincide with the study program of the academic year at LSMU.

This Learning agreement must be signed by the student, the faculty and the institutional coordinators.

Online Learning Agreement (abbr.OLA)

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences joins the digitization of Erasmus + program processes in 2021  and starts filling in the study agreement electronically using the Online Learning Agreement (abbreviated (OLA)) tool.


  1. In the Learning agreement form, fill in the table A and B with the selected study subjects (the form can be found here).
  2. Discuss the completed study agreement with the academic coordinator of your faculty (contacts can be found below).
  3. Once the academic coordinator of the faculty has approved the final Learning agreement, you must fill in the electronic form (instructions for filling it out can be found here).

You can follow the steps of signing an OLA using the „Erasmus Mobile App“.

Transcript of Records. All completed subjects by the student before the Erasmus+ studies are reflected in the Transcript of Records. It is not only in ECTS credits but also in grades based on the local and ECTS grade scales. The Transcript of Records is signed by the Dean of the Faculty.

Accommodation Form. Registration form for accommodations. The student is usually required to provide personal information, duration of stay. There is also included information about host institution accommodation, payment and rules.

N.B. not all host institution can provide accommodation.

Additional documents. It can be CV, copy of student’s ID, Certificate of language etc.

Students must provide all completed documents to host institution and to LSMU International Relations and Study Centre. All documents can be sent by LSMU International Relations and Study Centre coordinator to the host institution (according requirements of host institution).

The host institution must provide:

  • Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Invitation.
  • Confirmed Learning Agreement.

Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Invitation. The student must receive a letter from the host university where the student is invited to study at a foreign university.

Confirmed Learning Agreement. Students usually receive Learning Agreement together with letter of acceptance. The signature of the host institution’s coordinator confirms that he agrees with the student’s chosen study plan.

Student must complete the rest of documents at LSMU International Realtions nad Study Centre:

  • Request for the Rector
  • Insurance
  • Visa
  • Grant Agreement
  • Confirmation letter
  • OLS Language test

Request for the Rector. Upon receiving the host university’s letter of acceptance and the approved Learning Agreement, the student fills in a Request for the Rector of the LSMU to allow him to go to study at a host institution. The student’s application must be signed by the Dean of the Faculty. The Request to the Rector must be submitted to the International Relations and Study Centre.

Grant Agreement. At least 1 month before the start of Erasmus+ studies, the student must provide personal data required for the scholarship contract. This is a financial agreement that governs the procedure of paying a scholarship. The scholarship contract is signed between the LSMU and the student. Both parties are provided with 1 copy.

Visa. The student must look for an information about visa or temporary residence permittion. It is recommended that this information would be checked at the Embassy of the country where student will study as Erasmus+ student.

Insurance. All students must have a valid European Health Insurance Card. The EHIC covers treatment that is medically necessary until your planned return home. The EHIC is not an alternative to travel insurance. It will not cover any private medical healthcare or costs. Students who will study at non- EU countries must have a valid private health insurance plan that is valid in non-EU countries.

Confirmation letter. It is issued by International Relations and Study Centre at LSMU and students have to provide it to the host institution.

OLS Language test. All students must complete 1st language test before the Erasmus+ study period (except native speakers).Students have to take a test online based of language of instruction at host institution.

Learning Agreement changes. Upon arrival to host university it often turns out that few planned classes is not possible. In such case student should, after consulting the Departmental coordinator of LSMU, design a new plan – Changes to Learning Agreement, which must be signed by the student, Departmental coordinator of  LSMU and coordinator of host institution. All changes must be completed during 5 weeks from the beginning of Erasmus+ studies.

After coming back, the student has to bring all the required documents to International Relations and Study Centre (within 30 days):

  • Evidence of Studies.Confirmation about completed Erasmus study period, signed by the Host university.
  • Transcript of Records. It consists basically of a list of the course units taken, the exams you have passed, the grades and the credits gained in your host university.
  • Erasmus final reportNotification would be sent to the student’s e-mail box. Should be submitted on-line in the Mobility Tool data system.
  • 2nd online test assesment (OLS).
  • Validation of Erasmus study achievements. Based on the Transcript of records the student should complete the validation form on LSMU SIS (Erasmus coordinator would prepare the form for each of you) and to get it approved by the Departmental coordinator.
  • Just after all these steps will be completed, the student will receive remaining 10 % of scholarship.

other information

Academic requirements and recognition

LSMU and partner institutions use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) as a tool for the recognition of study achievements and learning experiences between different institutions.

 You are expected to attend classes and to participate in assessments for all courses, as required by the host university. You should achieve 60 ECTS credits per year (30 ECTS credits per semester) at the host institution.

Each Erasmus exchange student has the right of full recognition of courses passed successfully abroad by LSMU. If you pass all assessments in the host university the credits you gain will count towards your degree at LSMU.

The grades achieved at the host university are not converted onto LSMU grades. LSMU recognizes the grades given in local grading scale of the host university.

Departmental coordinators and contacts

Departmental coordinators 

Medicine: Asta Mačiulienė,

Odontology: Kristina Lopatienė,

Pharmacy: Valdas Jakštas,

Veterinary medicine: Kristina Musayeva,

Animal Science: Evaldas Šlyžius,

Public Health: Gintarė Kalinienė,

Institutional Erasmus coordinator: Alvidas Šarlauskas,

Monika Grincaitė
International Programme Coordinator / Outgoing Erasmus+ students’ mobility (studies)
Medical Academy (room 127), A. Mickevičiaus 9, Kaunas