Procedure for submission of electronic documents (ETD) of LSMU final theses and doctoral dissertations to LSMU Science Information System CRIS Storage.
20 calendar days before the public defense date, students submit the ETD to the Repository according to the ETD submission instructions.
- Student registration in the Repository and login;
- Metadata* about the student, title, 3-5 key words, summaries in Lithuanian and English, ETD responsible persons and other submission data;
- Submission of the ETD work file (the main file must be submitted in PDF format);
- Approval of the license agreement;
- The student will receive confirmation information about the submission of the ETD to LSMU CRIS by e-mail. Students must forward the received e-mail to the persons responsible for their final work (supervisor, reviewers, doctoral students – to the entire defense commission).

Identific’s, previously named Oxsico, text matching tool is only for theses (ETD) text matching. Works can be checked by work supervisors and reviewers. Students are not granted such a right. Both the tool itself and logins to Identific remain unchanged. If you do not have an account and would like to create one, please contact Laura Petrauskiene.
If you can’t log in, contact support@identific.com.
Payment procedures for settling their bill with the library for graduates and students who discontinue their studies.
Billing for graduates or dropping out students is approved when:
– all publications borrowed from the Library are returned;
– does not have late fees.
For graduates who do not have debts, settlement is automatically marked on LSMUSIS at least 5 working days before the scheduled day of awarding diplomas, there is no need to apply anywhere else.
Students discontinuing their studies must contact any librarian of the Customer Service Department directly, for payment confirmation, at LSMUSIS – phone: +370 37 39 60 45
Library publications can only be returned to the library where they were borrowed. If you are unable to come, send by mail to:
LSMU Library and Information Centre, Eivenių str. 6, LT – 50162, Kaunas.
LSMU VA Library, Tilžės str.18, LT – 47181, Kaunas.

Payments of late fees are possible at any of the above-mentioned Libraries by bank card or cash, as well as electronically.