Institute of Endocrinology
The Institute of Endocrinology of the Medical Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU MA EI) is a branch of the Medical Academy (MA), established to carry out fundamental, clinical and epidemiological studies of diseases of the endocrine system at the international and national level, provide a scientific basis for the third-level (doctorate) studies of LSMU students, and develop the lecturers’ scientific qualifications.
The mission of the Institute is to carry out scientific research of the highest level, promote interinstitutional, intersectoral and international cooperation, develop young talents, and create conditions for their scientific career.
LSMU Institute of Endocrinology has two laboratories: the Diabetes Laboratory and the General Endocrinology laboratory. On 1 March 2021, it employed 27 members of staff (equivalent to 14 full-time positions), including 19 research workers (8.5 full-time positions) and 6 laboratory assistants (3.25 full-time positions), 4 administrative and auxiliary staff (2.25 full-time positions).
Core areas of activity include basic and clinical research in biomedical sciences, including Biology (N010) and Medicine (M001).
Current research fields at the Institute:
- Epidemiological studies and registries of patients with diabetes, studies of the influence of immune, genetic and environmental factors on the etiology and course of the disease, studies of prognostic markers of chronic complications
- Studies of molecular mechanisms and clinical features of rare endocrine diseases
- Studies of predictors of human growth, maturation and reproductive health
For more details on the theses defended and prepared for defence by doctoral students, please see the information here.
On 02 April 1991, the Lithuanian Scientific Endocrinology Centre was established under the Order signed by J. Olekas, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
On 29 January 1992, the Lithuanian Scientific Endocrinology Centre was established and integrated into the structure of the Kaunas Medical Academy under the name of the Institute of Endocrinology. It was the first state institute in Lithuania to voluntarily join the university structure.
The most important goal of the Institute of Endocrinology was to “comprehensively study the normal and disturbed activity of internal secretion glands, hormones and other metabolic regulating substances and systems, their working principles and mechanisms that ensure human reproduction, birth, development, the ability to adapt to the environment and a full-fledged life”.
The scientific, pedagogical and practical activities of the Institute of Endocrinology were closely related to the Endocrinology Clinic of KMU (Kaunas Medical University) and other domestic and foreign scientific and clinical practice institutions.
On 09 July 1994, the Republican Centre of Endocrinology was established and headed by its Director Prof. Liudvikas Lašas.
On 11 June 2003, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania approved the new status of the KMU Institute of Endocrinology, according to which the Institute became a state scientific research institution.
The scientific and clinical works carried out at the Institute were published in reputable Lithuanian and foreign scientific publications and presented at national scientific-practical and international conferences. Seminars and lectures were held at Lithuania’s medical institutions.
Heads of the LSMU Institute of Endocrinology:
· Prof. Habil. Dr. Jurgis Danys 1978 – 1991
· Prof. Habil. Dr. Liudvikas Lašas 1991 – 2004
· Prof. Habil. Dr. Antanas Norkus 2004 – 2011
· Prof. Dr. Rasa Verkauskienė 2011 – present
Recent projects
- PerDire
- Role of epigenetic markers for the early diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer and long-term prognosis in elderly patients
- Biomarkers of diabetic retinopathy: epigenetic modifications of the gene ubiquitin-proteosome system, telomere length and proteasome concentration
- Multinational research projects (internationally funded)
- Participation in COST activities
“Integrated model for personalized diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring using risk-stratification and automated AI-based fundus image analysis” (PerDiRe)
Head of the project: Prof. Dr. Rasa Verkauskienė
Implementation period: 1 May 2021 – 31 April 2024
Budget: EUR 1,000,000
Source of funding: European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants
“The role of epigenetic markers for the early diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer and long-term prognosis in elderly patients”. Registration number at the Research Council of Lithuania: S-SEN-20-14
Head of the project: Dr. Albertas Daukša
Implementation period: 3 February 2020 to 31 December 2021
Budget: EUR 140,000
Source of funding: the Research Council of Lithuania
“Biomarkers of diabetic retinopathy: epigenetic modifications of the gene ubiquitin-proteosome system, telomere length and proteasome concentration” (RETINUPSDIAB). Registration number: S-LLT-19-1.
Research aim: to investigated the epigenetic changes of the ubiquitin-proteosome system (UPS) and UPS-related genes associated with the changes in the proteosome concentration in blood serum and telomere length in white blood cells in DM patients diagnosed with different stages of diabetic retinopathy.
Head of the project: Prof. Dr. Rasa Verkauskienė
Implementation period: 2019-2021
Budget: USD 56,250
Source of funding: the Research Council of Lithuania
Partners: Department of Ophthalmology, National Taiwan University Hospital (Taiwan), University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Laboratory for Personalized Medicine (Latvia).
- DIAMOND (Diabetes Mondiale)
- EURODIAB-TIGER (Europe and Diabetes: Type 1 Genetic Epidemiology Resource)
- InterDiane (LitDiane). Collaboration project with the Finnish research bodies (Folkhalsan Institute of Genetics, Research Center, University of Helsinki) “The Impact of Clinical, Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors on the Development of Late Complications in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”
- SWEET (a global Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus consortium aiming to improve quality in diabetes care and share the best clinical practice)
- FIRCAVA (a project on the prevention of complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus)
Prof. Rasa Verkauskienė. MPNS COST activity TD1103. The European Network for Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI
Prof. Rasa Verkauskienė, Dr. Romualdas Tomas Preikša, Prof. Birutė Žilaitienė, Dr. Jonas Čeponis Cost activity BM1105. “GnRH deficiency: elucidation of the neuroendocrine control of human reproduction”
Prof. Birutė Žilaitienė. COST activity ANDRONET: European research collaboration, education, and public awareness in andrology
- 1992 – collection of articles “Lithuanian Endocrinology 91” (Lith. Lietuvos endokrinologija)
- 1994 to 1997 – periodical annual collections of articles “Lithuanian Diabetology” (Lith. Lietuvos diabetologija), in 1998 renamed to and still published under the title “Lithuanian Endocrinology” (Lith. Lietuvos endokrinologija)
- 2005 – international scientific and practical journal of the Baltic countries “Baltic Endocrinology” launched.
- 2005 – “Lithuanian Endocrinology” (Lith. Lietuvos endokrinologija) and “Baltic Endocrinology” included in the international “Index Copernicus” database
- 2006 – “The Origins and Development of Lithuanian Endocrinology. What is what”
- Editorial work and co-authorship of the staff of the Institute of Endocrinology in the articles for scientific publications and popular publications, such as the magazine “Diabetes Panorama” (Lith. Diabeto panorama) and the newspaper “Diabetes” (Lith. Diabetas)
- 2013 – “Practical Guide to Endocrinology” (Lith. Endokrinologijos praktinis vadovas)
- 2014 – “Diabetic Neuropathy” (Lith. Diabetinė neuropatija)
- 2016 – textbook “Diabetic Neuropathy” (Lith. Diabetinė neuropatija)
- 2017 – textbook “Practical Guide to Endocrinology” (Lith. Endokrinologijos praktinis vadovas)
- 2018 – textbook “Diabetic nephropathy” (Lith. Diabetinė nefropatija)
- 2019 – textbook “Algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases” (Lith. Endokrininių ligų diagnostikos ir gydymo algoritmai)
- 2020 – monograph “Diabetes and cardiovascular risk” (Lith. Diabetas ir kardiovaskulinė rizika)