Diplomats for life

Dear Colleagues,
Resident training in Lithuania is currently undergoing an important transformation. Starting from the year 2023, all training curricula will encompass entrusted professional activities, novel assessment strategies, e-portfolio features and quality assurance tools.
In order to facilitate this transition Lithuanian University of Health Sciences invites you to join the international educational event „Diplomat for Life: EPAs in Lithuania – steps towards contemporary resident training “ on 26-27th of May 2023.
Don‘t miss unique opportunity to meet and learn from international leaders in the field of medical education from Denmark, United Kingdom, Italy, Estonia, Latvia.
The lectures and workshops will cover crucial elements of resident training: challenge resident training reform in Baltic countries, residency training 2023 in LSMU, pitch session and exhibitions of the hospitals for residents, evidence-based simulation training, self-regulated learning, assessment, effective feedback, e-portfolio and any other important aspects of resident training.
Please register before the 12th of May, 2023
LSMU Centre for Postgraduate Studies
The Conference is free of charge and supported by the project „LSMU veiklos, skirtos gydytojų kompetencijų ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimui (LSMU-GYD-KOM)“, projekto Nr. 09.4.2-ESFA-V-715-05-0001