Finansavimo programos

Horizon Europe
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
ThrombUS+: Wearable Continuous Point-of-Care Monitoring, Risk Estimation and Prevention for Deep Vein Thrombosis (ThrombUS)2024-2027Medicinos fakultetas
Demonstrating trAnsformative solUtions to empower climate Resilience tOwards impRoved public health stAtus in the EU Boreal Region (Aurora)2024 – 2028Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas
Multimodal Engagement and sustainable Lifestyle Interventions optimised by Artificial Intelligence (MELIORA)2024 – 2027Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)2022 – 2029Neuromokslų institutas
Modernisation of Agriculture through more efficient and effective Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (modernAKIS)2022 – 2029Veterinarijos tęstinio mokymo ir konsultavimo centras
A novel multi-functional elastin-like recombinant hydrogel for the prevention of scar tissue formation following a myocardial infarction (ELR-SCAR)2022 – 2026Biologinių tyrimų centras
Personalised blueprint intestinal health (miGut-Health)2023 – 2026Virškinimo sistemos tyrimo institutas
A European “shield” against colorectal cancer based on novel, more precise and affordable risk-based screening methods and viable policy pathways (ONCOSCREEN)2023 – 2027Virškinimo sistemos tyrimo institutas
Evidence-based Participatory Decision Making for Cancer Prevention through implementation research (ONCODIR)2023 – 2026Virškinimo sistemos tyrimo institutas
Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS)2023 – 2027Medicinos fakultetas
Centre of Excellence of AI for Sustainable Living and Working (SustAInLivWork)2023 – 2029Kardiologijos institutas
Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalising, Post-Pandemic Europe (Bootstrap)2023 – 2028Neuromokslų institutas
Horizon 2020
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
Evaluation of a patient-centred biopsychosocial blended collaborative care pathway for the treatment of multi-morbid elderly patients (ESCAPE)2021 – 2025Kardiologijos institutas
Understanding microbiomes of the ruminant holobiont (HoloRuminant)2021 – 2026Veterinarijos fakultetas
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
Beyond the Classroom: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Haptics for Enhanced Surgical Training and Education (ImmersiveSurgicalEdu)2023 – 2025Plastinės ir rekonstrukcinės chirurgijos klinika
Inclusive Wellbeing Through Arts and Culture in the Baltics (WITAC)2024 – 2026Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region2023-2025Tarptautinių ryšių ir studijų centras
Kitos tarptautinės programos
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
Interventions to control the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance from chickens through the environment (ENVIRE)2022 – 2025Veterinarijos fakultetas
One health surveillance approach on MARine mammal, marine environmental and human antimicrobial RESistance on the North and Baltic Seas (MARRES)2024-2027Veterinarijos fakultetas
Holistic mixed approaches to capture the real life of children with Rare Eye Diseases (SeeMyLife)2022 – 2025Medicinos fakultetas

Kiti tarptautiniai projektai
Projekto pavadinimas anglų kalbaMetaiPadalinys
Effect of the chromatin remodeling protein SMARCAD1 on HERV expression2024Kardiologijos institutas
Cooperation between Paediatric Surgery Departments of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and University Hospital Frankfurt on Main2024Vaikų chirurgijos klinika
Initiation of cooperation between Paediatric Surgery Departments of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and University Hospital Frankfurt on Main2023Vaikų chirurgijos klinika
Digital Innovation For Lithuanian Industrial Development2022-2025Farmacijos fakultetas
Non-coding RNAs Analysis of Eosinophil Subtypes in Asthma2021 – 2025Medicinos fakultetas
Evaluation of the impact of alcohol control policies on morbidity and mortality in Lithuania and other Baltic states2020 – 2025Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas