
The introduction should give a brief and clear account of the background of the problem and the rationale of the article. It should not include data or conclusions. The final sentence should clarify the objective of the article.


This section should describe the participants (age, gender, and other relevant characteristics should be given), the study design (type of study, sample, setting, dates of data collection, etc.), and how it was performed (e.g. inclusion/exclusion criteria, ethical considerations, etc.). References for the study design and statistical methods should be to standard works when possible (with pages stated). Statistical methods should be given in sufficient details to allow a knowledgeable reader to verify the reported findings. Specify the computer software used.


The major findings obtained during this study should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures in this section. They should be presented clearly and concisely. The derivates and absolute numbers should be used for presenting numeric results. Do not repeat the data in the text, tables, and figures; do not duplicate data in tables and figures.


Discussion should present a brief (normally not exceeding one-third of the total length of the manuscript) and pertinent interpretation of the results against the background of existing knowledge and should include comparison with similar studies, limitations of the findings and potential directions for future research. Details of data given in results section should not be repeated.


The conclusions should be presented in a separate section and should summarise the major findings of the study together with possible implications for the practice. Speculation and unqualified statements should be avoided.


Acknowledgments should state sources of support in the form of grants or funding, equipment, etc. Other appropriate acknowledgments, for example, to other scientists for their help or advice, may be included.


Should be based on Vancouver system and on “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals” (JAMA 1997;277:927-34). All citations in the text must be listed in the references and all references should be cited in the text. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, followed by any in tables or figure legends. Reference citations should not appear in titles, summary, and conclusions. The list of references for scientific article should include only those references that are important to the text and be limited to 35 references; for review article limited to 75 references. It is recommended that mostly last five-year publications would be referenced.