
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the e-mail address For all communication after manuscripts have been submitted, e-mail correspondence will be used. The manuscripts will be reviewed with due respect for authors’ confidentiality.

In order for an article to be published, all co-authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) stating that all copyrights are transferred to publisher in case the article is published. Authors’ signatures guarantee that their article is original, does not interfere with copyright regulations, and has not been previously published, submitted, or planned for submission to other journals, except in the form of a thesis or presentation.

After filling in and signing the CTA, the authors must upload its scanned image in JPG or PDF format during the submission process.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter, stating clearly why the work is considered suitable for publication in the journal Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Education for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (MEDH-EECA) [SC1] and explaining the importance of the study.

Manuscript format and style

All pages of the manuscript should be 12-point font size, double-spaced throughout with 2.5-cm margins and numbered including references, tables, figures, and figure legends. Use of abbreviations should be limited; full terms should be presented together with the first abbreviation. There should not be abbreviations in the title of the article.

Manuscripts must not exceed 20 pages, including abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. The journal  attaches importance to the use of correct, clear, reader friendly English. Manuscripts should be written in either American or British English. In case of poor language, the manuscript can be sent back to authors for correction.

Manuscripts must not contain the same information as manuscripts under review, accepted, or published. This restriction does not apply to results published by the authors as abstracts, letters to editors, or contributions to symposia, provided that the manuscript submitted adds significantly to the previously published contribution.

Manuscripts must include:

• Title page (title of the article and author information)

• Abstract and key words

• Text

– Introduction

– Methods

– Results

– Discussion

– Conclusions

• Acknowledgments (if appropriate)

• List of references

• Tables and figures.

Title page

The title page must include:

  • A concise title (no more than 150 characters including spaces) should indicate the focus of the article;
  • A short running title (running head) (50 characters with spaces maximum) for use as a page header;
  • Author information indicates for each author: full names (not initials) and academic degree(s); each author’s name should carry a superscript number, assigned in ascending numerical order, to indicate an institutional affiliation;
  • Institutional affiliations of all authors, which should be presented in the same order as the numbers in the authors’ superscripts, and should include department, institution, city, country;
  • Name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, or all of these.
  • The number of figures and tables that belong to the manuscript.

Abstract and Key Words

A structured abstract must not exceed 250 words and should describe the new and important aspects of the article.

It should be intelligible to the non-specialist without reference to the text. No citations are allowed in the abstract.

Abbreviations must be kept to a minimum; non-standard abbreviations should be explained in brackets. The abstract must be organised under the following four subheadings (not as undivided text):

• Purpose of the article without detailed background;

• Design (type of study, sample, setting, data collection);

• Methods (instruments, interventions, measures, procedures, types of analysis; details of statistical tests and other irrelevant information should not be given);

• Results (should summarise the most actual findings);

• Principal conclusions (present a brief statement directed to the stated objective);

• Key words. Up to 5 key words or phrases that capture the main topics of the article should be displayed at the end of abstract. Unhelpful or unqualified terms should be avoided.

The Lithuanian author(s) should also provide the abstract and key words in Lithuanian according to the same requirements and principals as for English one. Lithuanian abstract must not be shorter than 250 words and not exceed 500 words.